My Hot CEO Chapter 24:

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Eleanor's outfit on the side -->

I opened my eyes to see that I was in a dark room. I couldn't breathe and I was slightly sweating.

I see the cause of this and it's because Justin's arms are wrapped around me as his heads shoved into my boobs while his other hand was rested on my bum.

Even in his sleep he's a pervert.

I struggled to get him off me but he wouldn't budge. I tried for about another 5 minutes, but nothing worked, and I was hot and flustered.

Fuck this.

I harshly pushed him off me and he rolled off the bed landing on the floor with a thud.

He jumped up alarmed and looked around the room. His eyes traveled to me as I laughed hysterically. That was such an accident...Kind of.

"Oh my god," I laugh. "You should've seen your face."

He glares at me and jumps on the bed somehow straddling my waist.

"I'm not a morning person, Eleanor." He growls. "I think you should be punished."

I stop laughing immediately, and look at him wide eyed. "W-What?"

He smirks and pins my hands above my head. I try to pry my arms out of his hands but my attempts do nothing.

His smirking face goes into my neck where he starts sucking harshly. My back arches in pleasure but at the same time I'm trying to get him off of me.

"Justin," I half moan. "S-Stop."

He sinks his teeth in deeper and starts licking the newly bruised area. He leaves a kiss on it and gets up, walking to his bathroom in triumph.

That was my punishm- OH SHIT!

I jump off the bed and run into the direction of the bathroom where he was brushing his teeth.

I move my hair away from my neck and scream when I see the hickie.

"Justin, you bloody bastard, I have to go into work!" I shriek.

"My bad," he shrugs, smirking afterwards.

"You're bad? You're bad? Daniel's going to see this along with all of my colleagues." I growl.

"Whoops." He shrugs. "Looks like Danny won't like that very much, huh?"

I flick him off and walk out of the bathroom pissed off. This is actually so unprofessional.

I take his clothes off and throw my skirt and shirt on. I quickly go downstairs and grab my handbag slipping my underwear on along with my heels. I feel so filthy.

Throwing my designer handbag over my shoulder, I start making my way to the door.

"Where are you going?" He frowns from upstairs.

"To work where I'll be portrayed as a whore because the guy I'm dating, "punished me"." I roll my eyes.

I keep walking as he runs down the stairs. I go to open the door but he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me off the ground.

"Justin," I shriek. "Put me down."

He walks into the living room and sets me on the couch. He looked down at me like he was scolding a young child.

"No, you're not leaving yet. I told you, you were going in late."

"Yeah well now I have to go home and get new clothes along with my make up." I say irritated.

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now