My Hot CEO Chapter 57:

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Mentions of religion in this chapter. If you get offended or anything I apologise but it's just a story and it's my story so I can write what I please. Don't comment hurtful things like the last time. Every religion is beautiful. I do not discriminate whatsoever.

I hope the photo makes you smile today cause it made me (:


"Do you guys have to go?" I whine, clutching onto my father tightly as he watches Justin's hired staff taking the luggage out of the car.

"Yes, mi hija, we do." My mother chuckles.

"I don't wanna leave ether, baba." My dad frowns down at me, stroking my hair.

"You just don't want to leave because of the special treatment Justin's providing you with to impress you." My mother rolls her eyes.

"Can you blame him?" My brother Joseph interjects. "The guy is letting us get back home on his private jet! If Eleanor doesn't want him I'll take him as my adopted brother."

I grin at my greedy little brother and ruffle his hair.

"I hope you're not in it for the money like your brother, chicka." My oldest sister purses her lips.

"Guys, I don't let Justin pay for me when it comes to anything," I frown, shaking my head, "my birthday is the first time he's spoiled me that much. He's never bought me gifts besides that night. I promise I'm not with him for the money. I'm doing just great financially at Grayson Global."

"I sure hope you're financially secure." My father sighs as we all begin walking whilst Justin's personal driver, Nick, pushes their light luggage behind us in a luggage cart. "It's hard being a state away from you without being one-hundred percent sure that you're doing alright."

"I'll never lie to you guys, okay?" I smile reassuringly. "If I'm ever having trouble I'll let you guys know, but for now, I'm more than okay."

"That's good to hear, baby." My dad kisses my temple and pulls me into his side.

"I'm so glad you don't live with us." Joseph sighs.

I punch him in the shoulder and he hisses, rubbing his shoulder. "Why the hell not, loser?"

"Because you're daddy's little girl," he drags the words out, "you're not there for dad to favourite you over the rest of us. Now I'm the favourite. Right, baba?"

"No Joseph," my father deadpans and I burst out laughing as my brother gets his feelings hurt.

"Whatever," he grumbles and throws on his hoodie.

"You have to meet your niece soon, Eleanor," my oldest sister frowns, "I wish I brought her with me."

"Sissy," I frown, "I'm dying to meet her. These photos and videos on my phone aren't doing it and I need to see her before she gets bigger because I'm so upset I'll miss out on most of her life."

"I know, don't remind me." Her eyes tear up. She's always been the overly emotional one out of us all.

"Hey," I pull away from my father and hug her to my chest, "I'm going to fly out as much as possible. I'm going to be her favourite auntie and if I'm going to fulfil the position I gotta make it up to her, right?"

She chuckles and nods her head. "Yeah, sis. I guess it's also a good thing you won't be there to corrupt her."

"Why're you all so cruel towards my absence?" I whine and push her away from me.

"We all do it out of love, bud." My oldest brother Lachlan smirks. "My little boy will be due soon and I expect you to fly out as soon as it happens so you can meet your nephew."

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now