My Hot CEO Chapter 39:

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Justin's POV:

And with that, the girl who has grown on me walks out of my apartment. I stand there and just stare at the door for a couple of seconds. I shake my head and run out of my penthouse apartment to run after her. I growl and punch the elevator door before running down the steps, skipping half of them just so I can catch her before she leaves.

I run out of my building, passing by the lobby and out of the door. I look around frantically to see if I can catch a glimpse of her anywhere. I look at every person who passes me, down the streets, in passing taxis but to no such luck she was nowhere in sight.

How could she have left so fast, she doesn’t even have a car? Unless Logan dropped her off. But I didn’t see his car so it couldn’t have been that.

People were staring at my frantic state as if I were some lunatic making me angry more then I already was.

“What the hell are you looking at?” I growl. “Keep frecking walking.”

They scurry off in fear at my outburst but I couldn’t give a fuck in this moment in time. All I care about is finding her. If she was here that means she choose to be with me too. Or did that mean she came to tell me she’s going to be with Daniel?

Bigger question is why was she crying? Oh my god did Maria say something? I growl and run back into my building and take the elevator this time. My breathing’s ragged as I stand in the elevator with my chest heaving up and down, the anger practically radiating off of me.

I storm out of the elevator and into my apartment where the door was already open. I pull at the end of my hair in frustration not knowing what to do at this point.

“Fuck,” I shout and kick the coffee table. I growl and throw all my paper work off of it. Why was she crying? Who did she choose?

As I was looking for something else to take my anger out on, a voice stops me before I can. “Justin Drew Bieber don’t you dare throw that vase or so help me I will get my chancla and throw it at your big head.”

I turn to glare at her as she glares right back. “I can do what I fucking want Maria. You can’t tell me what to do. Leave before I do something I’ll fucking regret.”

She narrows her eyes at me and walks over to me. She slaps me across the face and I gasp holding my cheek. “Sit. Down. Now,” she says through gritted teeth. I was about to protest until she gave me a warning look with her eyes.

I grunt and sit on the couch in front of her.

“I am so disappointed in you, mijo.” She shakes her head. “I am done keeping my mouth shut and watching you ruin your life.”

“I’m not-”

“No,” she said sternly. “You will not speak you hear me? You will shut up and listen to what I have to say.”

I look at her with wide eyes and nod my head slowly. She’s scary okay?

“What happened to you, mijo?” She shook her head. “You were never this man your making yourself out be now. Actually you’re not a man. You used to be, but now you’re acting like a young teenage boy.”

“You never used to care for money and throw it around as you do now. Like really chico? None of this luxurious stuff used to matter to you. You wanted to become a CEO to do great things with your wealth. You had such a great head on your shoulders, my son. I was so proud of you and who you were. But now,” she shook her head, “I don’t even know who you are anymore.”

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now