My Hot CEO Chapter 5:

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Photo of Daniel on the side -->

I strutted my way into work with Blake on my arm. Both of us had huge smiles on our faces. We were discussing how everything was going to go down and what Victoria's response would be along with Ashely's reaction. I think it's safe to say Blake and I couldn't wait to see their shocked faces that I actually achieved a task that was set up for failure.

"Mm, Starbucks really made my Carmel Latte taste amazing this morning," I said dreamily.

"Yeah I know, mine taste like heaven," Blake moaned. "But you know what would taste better?" I gave him a 'what look' and he smirked. "Licking it off of Justin Biebers abs."

My mouth dropped in shock and I couldn't help but giggle when I slapped Blake. What a perverted bastard he was. "Oh come on. Don't act like you wouldn't want to eat off that man's body."

I bit my lip, holding back a smile as I look ahead of us. "Maybe..."

Blake laughed and walked me to our cubicles, arm in arm. Blake was looking a head of himself shocked and I furrowed my eyebrows confused. I followed his gaze and saw that Daniel Grayson was sat up on my desk, playing with my stress ball.

"I'll um, uh, be in the photo copying room," he stuttered not taking his eyes of Daniel. He turned and whispered in my ear. "I'll be behind the cubical wall listening to everything." I giggled and pushed him in the other direction.

I walked into my little office that I share with Blake and smiled at Daniel as I approached him. His face lit up as soon as he saw me. He stood up and his eyes raked my body up and down. I blushed and looked away.

He smirked and grabbed my hand to place a kiss on it. "Morning, gorgeous."

"Good morning," I smiled.

"How are you today?" He asked sweetly.

"Really great actually," I grin. "How about you?"

"I'm good now," he winked. I giggled causing him to smile. "Have you started my mother's task for you?"

I bit my lip and walked towards my desk to put my bag down before facing him. "Yeah I did."

He frowned and put his hand on top of mine. "Did something happen? Have you contacted him?"

"Yeah, I emailed him and he threatened to file a restraining order against me."

He clucked his tongue at the roof of his mouth and shook his head. "He is actually such an arsehole. I'm sorry you didn't get the interview."

"Oh, I said he threatened to file a restraining order against me, that doesn't mean I gave up," I smirked. He looked up at me with the cutest confused smile I'd ever seen. "I went down to his office yesterday."

"You did what?" He asked shocked. "Did you even get to talk to him?"

"Yep," I smiled.

"What, how? You have to have a meeting or be some big time millionaire with a company to talk with a CEO such as Justin."

"Let's just say I faked to be applying for a job interview in order to see him," I say shyly. Daniel laughs hard and throws his head back. His laugh is one of the most beautiful sounds. I love seeing him happy.

"Wow, my little intern is a little badass," he smirks and I shrug cockily. "So you got the interview?"

I bit my lip and looked away from him, pretending to look distraught. He sighed and stood up till he was inches away from me. He rubbed my arms up and down as he pulled my chin up so I'd be looking at him. Goosebumps appeared on my skin, and I tried to compose myself but on the inside I was fucking dying. I wanted to fucking scream and cry that he was actually this close to me.

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now