My Hot CEO Chapter 61:

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Justin's POV:

Every get that feeling of seeing something that makes you feel literal physical pain? The sight of it actually inflicts physical pain to your heart? Your heart feels heavy and starts numbing to the point where you actually have to clutch it as your breaths shorten the slightest bit? Ever feel like that?

I just did.

I watch on with glazed eyes and a heavy heart. I feel sick to my stomach and feel a nauseating feeling wash over me like wild fire.

I felt light headed as my stomach churned unpleasantly and my breaths shortened. My throat was dry and somehow I knew that not even a tall glass of ice cold water could change it.

The reason to this?

My girlfriend Eleanor Lopez lays on a bed that isn't mine as she has sex with a guy that isn't me. The tape shows her pleasure filled face that isn't caused by me and fills my apartment with the moans I always use to long to hear. But now? They only hurt my ears and make me sick. I cringed every time I heard them in this graphic DVD. I cringed every time Daniel touched her how I only I touch her.

I blink and gulp thickly as I watch on as Daniel makes sweet love to the girl who owns the key to my heart.

"Oh my God," Danielle mutters from beside me as she watches with me.

I hold back a whimper as I turn it off and close my eyes to rid of the images of him thrusting into her lovingly and gently. I want to scream at the fact that as my eyes stay closed I just see a more vivid image of them having sex.

I get up and rush to shakily grab a glass of scotch. The glass shakes violently in my hand to the point of slipping from my sweaty palm and breaking onto the tray filled with scotch glasses.

I growl and pick up another one, taking no time in filling it up with scotch and placing the cup to my mouth to drown the toxic liquid. I close my eyes tightly as I gulp it all down in one go.

I slam the glass down as I breathe heavily, my chest heaving up and down rapidly as my heart hammers against my ribcage and my hands violently shake with anger. I let out a growl and take the expensive glass vase filled with flowers off of my table and throw it at the wall as I let out a scream in pure pain and hurt.

I walk over and flip a table then throw a chair to watch it break against the wall and dint my wall. Adrenaline pumps through my veins as I throw and break everything in my sight.

My chest heaves up and down as I breathe heavily through my mouth and nose, glaring at the lights lighting up the city of New York. My fists are clenched at my sides and my jaw clenched to the point of my teeth grinding together as my penthouse is trashed behind me.

"Fuck!" I yell, placing my forehead on the window along with the palm of my hands. My knuckles are bloody and all cut up, but I pay no mind since I'm currently numb to all physical pain. I only wish I can numb the emotion she's making me feel again. I felt nothing before she came along, I was emotionless. Why did she have to take that away from me me and let me feel again?

"How could you do this to me, Eleanor," I whisper to myself. "I thought we were perfect."

I start shaking my head and clenching my eyes such when angry tears cloud my eyes. Weakness starts taking over my heart, slowing gliding over the vessel and trying to wrap around my wounded heart. Pain and heartache that I haven't felt since my fiancée's death come back and hits me like fucking train so bad that I feel like I'm chocking on air.

"No," I croak as I let myself after all these years feel the pain and heartache I swore I'd never let myself feel again.

"Justin," Danielle whispers from behind me, "I'm so sorry you had to see that."

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now