My Hot CEO Chapter 22:

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I rub my eyes and pull my phone out of my pocket to “check the time”. “Justin, it’s 1 in the morning what are you doing here?”

“I’m here because you fucking texted me that you wanted to stop what we have going on.” He scowled. “Is it true, are you seriously stoping this?”

I yawn and rub my eyes again. “No Justin, I was just kidding. I didn’t think you’d take it seriously.”

“Well I did and I fucking came straight here.” He glared at me.

“Yeah looks like you drove here from a strip club by the smell of your clothes and the cheap lipstick on your neck.” I roll my eyes and walk in to crawl back into my position on the couch.

He closes the door and comes to stand in front of me looking down at me. “So let me get this straight. You were joking when you typed me that text?”

“I didn’t type it.” I yawn. “Blake did.”

He clenched his jaw and shook his head. “That wasn’t funny.”

“It was to us.” I shrug and pull the blanket over me. “Now can you leave?”

He looked down at me and looked around the apartment. Suddenly he jumped on the couch, pulling my back into his chest, wrapping his arms around my waist and shoving his head into my neck. “Nah, I think I’ll stay right here.”

I scoff and jump off the couch immediately. “Don’t you dare come near me when you smell like a bar and have a sluts DNA all over you.”

“But I wanna be near you.” He smirks.

“Well I don’t want you near me right now, so leave.”

He stands in front of me and bites his lip. “So your saying if I wasn’t in these dirty clothes you would let me stay with you?”

“Uh, yeah…I guess.” I say confused.

He nods and then does something I don’t expect…He undresses himself. He takes off his jacket and throws it on the love seat in my living room. He unbuttons the buttons on his dress shirt and my eyes rake his body hungrily.

He unbuckles his belt and my eyes go wide. I gulp hard and don’t dare to take my eyes off his body. The pants and the shoes come off leaving him in his boxers. Damn, he’s wearing Calvin Klein’s.

“Now I’m not in those dirty ass clothes. So now I get to cuddle with you.” Before I could protest I’m pulled down into the couch. He pulls me on top of him and pulls the blanket over us. Instinctively my hands wrap around his waist and my head rested on his hard chest.

He shoved his head into my neck and snuggled his cold nose into it causing me to shiver. He cuddled me closer and inhaled my scent.

“Mm I love this,” he whispered causing my stomach to erupt in nerves. “You smell amazing.”

He started leaving kisses from my jaw down to my neck. I moved it to the side giving him more access and he kissed down to my collar bone.

“How was your date with Daniel?” He mumbled.

Ugh I hate speaking about this with him. It’s so weird.

“Perfect,” I mumble into his chest. 

“He took it well then, huh?”

“Yep.” I snuggle my head into his neck and feel his heart beat fast against me. Why is it beating so fast? Is something wrong with him?

I sat up and straddled his waist. “Are you okay? Your hearts beating faster than it should.”

He coughed and he shook his head. “Nah I’m probably still coming off my high from tonight.”

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now