My Hot CEO Chapter 8:

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Blake on the side ->

I wake up to my phone going off and I groan digging my head further into my pillow. I wasn’t in the mood for anyone today.

 After a few minutes another beep sounded. I let out frustrated sigh since nobody would let me resume my sleep. Popping my head out of my pillow I hiss when my eyes met with the brightness of the sun coming into my room.

Fuck! I forgot to close the blinds before bed.

I reach for my phone which was still situated in last night’s silver clutch. Putting my password into my iPhone I click into my messages. I click on the first one that was sent to see it was Daniel.

“You better still be in bed having a lazy day, or I swear I’ll make sure you’re my little intern for the rest of your miserable career.”

I giggle and type a response.

“Haha, don’t have to tell me twice. I promise I won’t leave my bed all day, Mr. Grayson ;)”

I click out of Daniel’s messages and click on an unknown number.

“Gotta say Ms. Lopez, it was a shame I wasn’t the one to get you out of the white dress last night ;) –J

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion and start to think about he could’ve sent me this tex- Justin! Wait, but how did he get my number? I never gave it to him.

“How’d you get my number, creep?” –Eleanor

“Well, good morning to you too, Ms. Lopez.” –Justin

“Cut the crap and answer the question, Justin.” –Eleanor

“I texted myself off your phone so I could have your number when I took it off you in the interview.” –Justin

I looked back to the day of the interview and then remember when he took my phone off me when I was putting the photo shoot in my Calender. So that’s what he was doing.

“Wow, a normal person just would’ve asked you know?” –Eleanor

“I’m not a normal person.” –Justin


I giggle at my response and lie down in my bed. A beep goes off and I open his message.

“I better see you at the photo shoot tomorrow or I swear I will leave.” –Justin

I roll my eyes but can’t help but think of why he wants me to be there so bad. He probably just wants to get on my nerves or to show off.

“I guess you won’t be doing the photo shoot then :/” –Eleanor

I laugh as I wait for an angry response.

“Don’t mock me Eleanor, or I swear after Daniel leaves your place, I’ll come and rip your clothes off.” –Justin

My eyes go wide in shock and my stomach does summersaults at the thought of him doing that to me. But wait. What the hell does he mean by after Daniel leaves? Oh my god does he think that we slept together? I don’t know whether to explain that Daniel didn’t stay over or to just leave him to think that.

“Don’t get your panties in a twist, Mr. Bieber. I’ll see you at the photo shoot tomorrow at 12 pm.” –Eleanor

“I could imagine you without your panties on… And yes, you better be there on time.” –Justin

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now