My Hot CEO Chapter 7:

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Eleanors outfit on the side -->

I was standing in front of my mirror, biting my lip in nervousness as I observed myself. Today was Saturday. The day where Daniel and I would be attending the charity event he invited me to. I had just finished getting myself ready for the night. To be honest, I'm a nervous wreck. What if I don't look good enough? What if I'm under dressed? What if it's awkward and we have nothing to talk about-

"Eleanor, come on. Please come out and show me," Blake whined.

I giggle at my best friend and go to grab my silver clutch. I walk to the door of my bedroom were Blake was currently behind, whining. I open the door and he looks up from the floor. He gasps and puts a hand over his mouth. He looks at me from head to toe in amazement.

"El, you look-" he shakes his head. "You look like a goddess. So beautiful," he whispers, amazed.

I blush and look down at my Louboutins. "You really think so?"

He reaches forward and puts a hair behind my ear. He lifts me chin up and shoots me a smile. "I know so. I also know that Mr. Grayson won't be able to take his eyes off of you, along with everyone else in that room."

I grin at him and lean forward to kiss his cheek. "Thank you, Blakey."

"You're welcome," he grins. "Now come have a glass of wine to calm you down."

"Ugh, yes. That is exactly what I need right now," I say, following him into the kitchen.

He pours me a glass of wine and places a pack of gum next to me. I furrow my eyebrows as I take the glass of wine and hold up the pack of gum. He grins at me sheepishly. "Now, Ms. Lopez, we wouldn't want you to have bad breath when Mr. Grayson kisses you, would we?"

I gasp and punch him in the shoulder. He laughs and grabs a glass of his own. "Cheers to a lovely night, Ms Lopez."

"Cheers Mr. Charleston," I smirk, taking a sip careful not to ruin my white dress. Theirs a knock at the door and I choke on my wine. I make sure to swallow it so it doesn't go all over Blake, or worst my dress. I start coughing and Blake rubs my back.

"Relax," he coos. "Calm down, okay? I'll stall him for a bit. Straighten yourself out." I nod and shoo him off. I pour myself a glass of water and swallow it. Breathing a sigh of relief I then reach for the gum. "Yeah she's just inside. Eleanor," Blake yells.

I finish reapplying my lip gloss and place it in my bag. "Coming," I yell. I take a deep breath and straighten my posture. "Here goes nothing." I walk from around the corner to reach them at the door. Daniel turns away from Blake and his eyes go wide at the sight of me. Shit I knew I shouldn't have worn this.

He looks me up and down with his jaw slightly parted. He clears his throat. "Eleanor," he breathes. "You look- You look absolutely stunning."

I blush furiously and look to see him wearing a perfectly fitted Armani suit. The suit is black. Underneath his suit jacket is a white dress shirt that's buttoned up all the way with a white tie hanging around his neck. Least to say he looked absolutely gorgeous.

"You don't look so bad yourself, Mr. Grayson," I smirk.

He takes a step forward and returns the smirk. He grabs my hand and places a kiss on it. "Please, call me Daniel." I giggle at him and he smiles. "Shall we go?"

"We shall," I smile. He grins and places his arm out for me to hook my hand in. I put my arm through his and kiss Blake on the cheek before we walk out the door.

"Have her home by midnight," Blake yells from behind us. I giggle and stick my tongue out at him.

"Will do chief," Daniel, chuckles. "You know I wasn't kidding right?"

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now