My Hot CEO Chapter 51:

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Justin & Eleanor's outfits ->

Eleanor's POV:

My eyes flutter open to be met with a plain white wall. I rub the sleep out of my eyes with my fist and can't help but let a yawn escape my lips.

I turn in bed expecting to see Justin but instead I'm met with an empty space behind me. I frown at the cold sheets that were unoccupied, and sit up in the bed, cuddling my sheets to my bare chest.

I look around the room to see that our suitcases aren't in here anymore and that the closet is empty.

Nerves build up in my stomach at the possible thoughts occurring in my mind right now. I hate to overthink and I know that I should give Justin the benefit of the doubt from now on before I jump to possible conclusions, so I will.

I get out of the bed and hiss when the cold Canadian air hits my bare skin. I rush to slip on a nighty that stops just below my knees and then put a thin robe over it and hug it right to my chest.

I slip my feet into the hotel slippers and begin walking out of the bedroom.

I'm met with the sight of a man placing our luggage on a luggage cart. He isn't a bellhop though. He looks more like a... Butler?

I clear my throat to get his attention, and the middle aged man turns around and straightens his posture.

"Ms." He bows his head briefly.

"Hello," I greet him politely.

"Good morning, Ms. Lopez." He nods his head, his British accent evident.

"Not to be rude sir, but may I ask why is it that you're in my suite?" I ask him politely.

"Ms. Mallette assigned me to come and grab the luggage for her son, Mr. Bieber," he replies formally. "I was also asked to take your luggage along side Mr. Bieber's luggage."

"Well how will I change if my luggage is already packed up?" I ask him softly.

"Mr. Bieber was the one whom packed the luggage for you both and told me he left your outfit in the en-suite bathroom." He points to the room I was occupying moments before.

"Okay," I nod, "thank you... Uh, I'm sorry, what is your name?"


"Arthur." I nod with a smile.

"I'll also be taking you to the Bieber Mansion whatever time you please to leave, Ms. Lopez." He stands with his hands behind his back.

"Okay, thank you," I nod, "but may I ask you something?"

"Anything, Ms. Lopez." He nods.

"Where is Mr. Bieber?" I bite my lip.

"I'm afraid I don't have the answer to that, Ms. Lopez. Mr. Bieber left half an hour ago."

I nibble on my bottom lip and try think of where he could possibly be.

"By any chance did you see or hear something that you possibly weren't supposed to that could help me find him?" I ask desperately.

He sighs and looks quite guilty for eavesdropping. "I didn't mean to intrude on his call but I heard him say something about an anniversary he had to attend to."


Justin's POV:

I stand outside of the cemetery where my beautiful Amelia was buried along with my heart. Gosh it really does pain me to be back here. So many emotions and so much pain resurfaces when I'm even in walking distance of this place.

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now