My Hot CEO Chapter 30:

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Wow we made it 30 chapters what the fuck! Can't believe how far I've gotten with this story. Made this chapter long for you all xo

Please read the authors note at the end.

"Maria," Justin sang, as we entered the penthouse.

"I'm in the kitchen, Juju." She yelled from the kitchen.

Justin took off my cardigan and placed it on the hook near the table that he placed my handbag on.

"Maria doesn't like too much PDA, so I'm going to kiss you before we go announce your arrival." He smirks.

I smile up at him and wrap my arms around his neck as his find their way around my waist. Smiling down at me he softly presses his lips against mine giving me the usual jolt of electricity that all was seems to hit my body in his presents.

Maria cleared her throat and our lips froze as did our bodies. We slowly opened our eyes as our lips were still attached and moved our eye balls to look at her. Slowly our lips depart as we turned our heads in her direction.

She stood with a smirk on her face as she watched us. "So...I'm guessing you two worked things out?"

I furrowed my eyebrows at her in confusion. "Uh...How do you know there was anything to work out in the first place?" Justin's arms tighten around my waist and her smirk widens.

"Oh cariño," she waves her hand dismissively, "Juj tells me everything and if not, I beat him with my spatula till he does."

"And this is why I don't bring women over when you're here," he mumbles and shoves his face into my chest.

I giggle and Maria smirks at him. "Oh how I have stories to tell you about me and Juju's great memories together. Come on Ella."

She grabs my hand and removes me from the warmth of Justin's arms causing him to frown as he watched us walk away.

"No, no, Maria, I think she's good without you reminiscing of our "great memories" together." He says sarcastically.

"Go shower while we make Dinner, Juju." Maria says in motherly tone.

"How do you know she knows how to cook?" He furrows his eyebrows.

She scoffs and shakes her head. "She's Latina, Justin. That says it all."

He held his hands up in defense causing us to chuckle.

"Wanna come waste water with me, babe?" Justin smirks.

Maria throws a tomato at him and it hits him in the stomach. He holds his stomach and leans forward with his left hand on his knee as he gasped a breath.

"I deserved that one." He wheezed.

Maria and I giggled as I went over to him. He opened his arms for me and bent down to pick up the tomato.

"And here I thought my lovely date for lunch was coming to see if the love of her life was okay." He scoffs.

Butterflies attack my stomach immediately. Love of her life. Did I love him yet?

"Nope, I came to see if the tomato was bruised." I wave the tomato in my hand.

"What if I'm bruised?" He pouted his famous pout. No one gets how cute it is.

I coo and lean forward to kiss his pouted lips. I can't help it.

You love him.

No she doesn't she loves Daniel. He's the one for her, not this man whore who can't commit to one girl a day. Stop trying to control her heart and just let her have feelings for Daniel.

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now