My Hot CEO Chapter 52:

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Justin & Jazzy in the photo His love for her is everything

Justin's POV:

"Because my boyfriend passed away a few years ago too."

My heart drops to my stomach as my eyes widen. My heart starts to clench at the subject of Eleanor ever losing someone, or ever experiencing heart break. I wish she'd never had to suffer such a thing since I'd experienced it first hand.

"W-What?" I furrow my eyebrows.

Then it comes to me.


Anyway," Maliah rolls her eyes. "We're serious, Bieber. Fuck with her feelings and I won't hesitate to throw you off of your own building after I kick the fuck out of you. She's my best friend and I know her better then she knows herself. She deserves to be happy after what you put her through and her past. She hasn't had the best luck with men so don't fuck up."

"Last boyfriend she had really impacted on her." Logan frowns.

"What happened?" I ask as I suddenly want to hear what they want to say.

"He die-"

"Logan!" Blake hisses, pinching him and then earning a slap from Logan for Blake pinching him. "Ouch, you little fuck!"

"Don't touch me!"

I zoned them out as I stood there in shock. Amelia's death suddenly appeared in my head. Maliah turned away from the couple and stares at me sympathetically.

She walks up to me and pulls me into a hug. "You both have a lot of baggage from your past that you two need to discuss. Don't hide anything from her, be honest with her. Be honest with each other. Let her in, Justin."

"I think that's the first time you called me Justin." I smile a small toothless smile.

She chuckles softly and looks back up at me. "Go make my girls day better... she's a little stressed."

I frown at the thought of her being distressed and nod. I walk away from her friends and make my way to her office, ignoring the looks I'm copping from her thirsty co-workers.

Eleanor lost her boyfriend like I loss my fiancé? Would she tell me about it if I asked her?

Would you tell her about Amelia if she asked you?



It's too soon for her to know of my beautiful Amelia. But I don't know how and when I'll tell her about Amelia, just not yet. I'm no ready to open up an old wound.


I didn't know if I had heard Logan right since Blake cut him off but now I know what I heard was right. She really did lose her boyfriend.

"I lost him a few years ago," her voice begins to quiver.

We stand up and I help her up by holding her hands for her to keep her balance.

"How?" I whisper, gulping down the lump in my throat.

Her eyes meet mine and I pay close attention to them. I see her glossy eyes slowly fill with water and then eventually the barrier of her eye wasn't strong enough to keep the water in the dam of her eye and eventually the water towered over the barrier holding her tears at bay.

"C-Cancer," she whispers, sounding like she was holding in a sob.

I go closer to her and cup her face. "You told me to let my guard down and now I think you should take your own advice."

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now