My Hot CEO Chapter 14:

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"A pizza shop?" I giggle.

"Not just any pizza shop," he smirks, "the best pizza shop."

"I think I'll be the judge of that." I smirk.

He smiles, biting his lip. Taking my hand into his large one he leads us into the pizza shop. Justin walks up to the counter and playfully rings the bell multiple times.

"Aye, you better stop that before I-"

"Before what?" Justin smirks.

The man stops in his tracks and slowly a grin makes its way to his face. "I haven't seen your face around here since your collage days, Bieber. I was beginning to think you forgot about us."

Justin chuckles and shakes his head. "Been busy working man, and I'd never forget my favourite place to eat. This place was like my cave when I needed to study."

Justin and the guy started laughing as the reminisced about Justin's college days. Justin smile hasn't left his face ever since we stepped in here and honestly, I hope it stays that way. This is the first time a true genuine smile is on his face. He isn't faking it for anyone or the cameras.

"Well excuse me," the guy grins in my direction. "How rude of me, I haven't even said hi to your lady. What's your name, sweetheart?"

"Eleanor." I smile shyly. Justin smirks as I lean into him. He places a kiss on my cheek, and they burn at his touch.

"Ah, Eleanor," he says in his Italian/American accent. "Such a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl, Bieber really hit the jackpot with you, huh?"

"Oh were not together." I say politely.

"So you're not his girl?" He furrows his eyebrows.

"No." I shake my head.

"Not yet," Justin adds in as he stares at me. I look away from Lennie to meet Justin's gaze. He licks his lip and looks back at Lennie.

Not yet. Is he planning to make me his girl? My hands became clammy in his so I removed it and wrapped them around my body. Justin looked at me with furrowed eyebrows but before anything could be said, Lennie asked us what we would like.

"The usual." Justin smirked.

"Thick crusted, pepperoni pizza, with extra cheese and diced pineapples?" Lennie smirked.

"I'm surprised you even have to ask Lennie." Justin chuckled.

Lennie chuckled and walked off into the kitchen to whip up our pizza. I turn to Justin and pouted. He turned his head towards mine and looked at me adoringly.

"Why the pout, love?"

"You didn't even ask me what I wanted." I whine.

He chuckles and takes a hold of my hand once again making the tingling sensation return. "Don't pout, babe. You'll like it trust me."

I playfully huff and walk away to sit in a both with an amused Justin trailing behind me. I slide in and Justin pushes me with his hip to slide in beside me.

"Why couldn't you just sit in front of me?" I say confused.

"Because then I wouldn't be this close to you." He smirks.

I roll my eyes with a smile playing across my face. I pull out my phone to send Daniel a text to see if everything is okay. I feel bad that he has so much going on right now and well, I wanna be there for him.

Hey Danny, is everything okay now? How's Charlotte? –Eleanor

"Daniel's always had it hard," Justin says quietly. My head snaps to him to see him looking at my phone.

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now