My Hot CEO Chapter 55:

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How bæ looks in this chapter up there ^ yum... Imagine Eleanor's name in chocolate on his chest for this (;

"Esther," I hiss as I try get her to stay in her seat on my jet, "stay still!"

She blinks up at me, and wiggles around a bit more and I huff in frustration.

Eleanor giggles and shakes her head as she reads one of Nicholas Sparks' books. He's her favourite author and can probably make her swoon just as much as I can. Maybe I can fly him out for her birthday...

"And what're you giggling at?" I squint my eyes over at her.

"Nothing at all," she says as she sways her foot that she elegantly has crossed over her knee.

I roll my eyes and try settle my difficult puppy in her seat again. "Esther, baby, can you please just listen to daddy? Do you think you can do that?"

Again Eleanor snickers and I grind my teeth and give up on the difficult puppy we share. "I swear to God Eleanor I'll get her to shit on your chest if you don't stop."

"You're disgusting, daddy." She rolls her eyes and doesn't remove them from the novel in her hands.

"And you're a terrible mommy." I roll my eyes too.

"You claimed her as your puppy, so she's your responsibility," she says nonchalantly, the book still being her only focus.

"I believe we both claimed her and this is a joint partnership over her well-being, thank you very much," I say blandly.

"Whatever you say, daddy," she teases me once again.

"It's like you're purposely trying to piss me off." I groan.

"That's all you," she says uninterestedly.

"I'll burn that stupid book if you don't quit it," I threaten.

"A Nicholas Sparks book is in no way a stupid book, you imbecile! Bite your tongue next time you even think of dissing a king of romance novels," she sasses.

I chuckle, and shake my head at her words and look down at Esther who had finally settled on sitting on her bottom.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Bieber." I look up to see one of my flight attendants; Sandy, smiling her all white smile as she walks over to me in her uniform which consists of a white blouse tucked into a black pencil skirt and a little scarf wrapped around her neck along with a little hat usual flight attends have on. All with the Bieber Enterprises logo on them.

"Good afternoon, Sandy," I greet her nonchalantly, not returning the smile, seeming as I don't smile to just anyone.

"How are you today, Mr. Bieber?" She grins her large smile, her red lipstick coating her lips, complimenting her pale skin.

"Great, thanks." I nod.

"How was your stay in Canada, Mr. Bieber?" She goes on politely.

"Lovely," I vaguely answer.

"That's great to hear, you deserved the vacation." She smiles genuinely.

"I know," I say blandly, not coming off as an asshole in this situation. I'm just not much of a small talker.

She comes closer and places a pillow behind my neck and then places a hand on my shoulder which cause Eleanor's eyes to slowly lift from her book. "Would you like anything to drink before take off, Mr. Bieber?"

"A scotch would suffice." I sigh.

"Right away, Mr. Bieber." She grins and struts her hips as she sways her way to the bar in the next room to pour it for me.

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now