My Hot CEO Chapter 56:

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I know there's no drama so the story has become boring and sappy but just you wait. You're all not commenting on inline comments or comments in general so I feel like you're losing interest. Just know so much big drama to come since the story is almost done!! You'll hate me

Listen to the song. It represents Justin's feelings for Eleanor.


Justin's POV:

"Hm, I'm liking you more and more each day, Justin." Eleanor's mum grins at me and I swear my cheeks flush. She's so fucking beautiful and she looks just like her drop dead gorgeous daughter. Images of her being a cougar pop into my head and I scold myself for such thoughts. At least I got the daughter. Oh God, I'm going to hell.

"The feeling's mutual, Valentina." I smirk as I lead her to the function room that I hired for Eleanor's birthday. Well I didn't hire it, this is my restaurant that I've just recently opened but the lunch party will be tonight for Eleanor's party. This whole floor and the suites in this building are all owned by me and occupied by very important people. 

"Oh God, now I know why my daughter's into you." She chuckles, shaking her head.

"What?" I laugh.

"You've got the Spanish tongue, kid." She laughs.

"The Spanish tongue?" I snort.

"Mhm," she smiles her all white smile, "the way the words roll of your tongue, like for instance my name. You pronounce it like it should be said instead of with an off American accent like the rest of these lost cases."

I laugh and lead her to the function room I designed to perfection all on my own. I smile in admiration at how it turned out, feeling proud of myself for committing to this for my girlfriend's happiness. She's the nicest, selfless and most genuine person I know so it's only right to do this for her.

"Hey! Watch it." I growl at a worker I've hired for this. "That cost more than your fucking car!"

"Sorry, sir!" He apologises immediately, holding it with delicacy as he carries it across the room.

Next thing I know Eleanor's mother crashes into me and glass breaks against the dance floor.

My eyes dart to the floor to see the neon lights that are supposed to be installed in the ceiling just broke right next to Valentina's feet. 

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I ask the reckless worker and hold Valentina's arms to over look her body to see if she was caused any harm at all. "You could've injured her! Are you okay, Valentina?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, honey," she reassures me, taking a steady breath.

"I'm so sorry, I'm just really tired sir." He sighs, the bags under his eyes evident and the slouch in his posture.

"Then get one of the many other workers here to do the job instead of you injuring people." I sigh frustratedly, rubbing my temples to calm myself down. This is supposed to be a joy filled day.

"I will right now, sir." He gets down from the ladder and calls someone over to hand them a strobe light and tells them to replace the one on the floor.

"What the hell is that?" I growl as I stomp over to the other side of the room where there is a stripper pole.

"This was requested by a Mr. Deotoya," says the man fixing the pole.

"No! Stop it, do not continue," I say frustratedly. "Get it out of my sight immediately."

"But I was instructed to get it up-"

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now