My Hot CEO Chapter 28:

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Please read authors note at the end.

The beautiful Daniel on the side.

Eleanor’s POV:

I walked away from him with teary eyes.

You got yourself into this.

Why does it hurt so much to see him like that?

Because you care.

Because you wish you were her.

Why does he keep her around?

Because she gives him what he wants…Sex.

Stop putting shit in her head she doesn’t have to give him sex to keep him around, argues my relevant conscience.

Soon she might, argues my mean conscience.

I stopped at a wall and grabbed my head, closing my eyes tightly. It’s like a mental battle going on in my head.

You’re so stupid Eleanor, you should’ve told him to stay with you instead of her. You know he wouldn’t turn you down, scolded my relevant conscience.

Yes he would have. Who would you choose, sexy girl in lingerie or El who will just annoy him the whole time? Argues my mean conscience.

“Ugh,” I grunted at my thoughts.

Why is he having such an effect on me? Seeing that photo hurt so much knowing what he’s going to do. It made me feel disgusting knowing I gave him something yesterday just like another girl would be doing now.

I told you you’re finally letting him in.

I don’t want too if it’s going to hurt like this.


I walk into my office where all my friends stood. I looked up and they all frowned at me.

Daniel walked over to me and cupped my chin so my head pushed back and I look up at him. He stroked my cheek whilst he frowned down at me.

See El he actually cares about our feelings.

“Hey El, we’re going to go, okay?” Maliah smiles as she walks out with Logan and Blake to give us privacy.

“What’s wrong, princess?” He frowns.

I close my eyes and sigh. He picks me up and takes me to the couch so I’m settled on his lap as the side of my head rested in the crook of his neck.

“What’s got you down?” He whispers as he strokes my hair comfortingly.

Obviously you can’t tell him, make something up.

I look up at him as he looks down at me and begins stroking my face.

“I’m just sorry you had to find out who the other guy I’m dating was like that.”

He smiled a sympathetic smile. “It’s fine, El. I kissed you in front of him, so I guess he wanted to do the same to let me know there’s another guy around.”

I nod and play with his tie.

“I know something else is bothering you,” he whispers. I look at him wide eyed and he chuckles. “It’s fine babe, you don’t need to tell me. But you can’t get rid of me either.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean I wanna spend the day with you.” He smiles. “Let’s go back to your apartment and just hang out comfortably for the day. I have a pair of sweatpants in my car, so I’m good.”

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now