My Hot CEO Chapter 60:

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Eleanor's POV:

"Please Khloe," I sigh, rubbing my temples, "I know having other people in your marriage is what doomed it in the first place and that all the coverage you're getting is ridiculous but you can trust me. You know that if you allow me to do this that I'll do it and go at your pace, ask the questions and allow you to give the answers you and Lamar want to make clear to everyone."

"I really don't know, Eleanor," she says in a small, timid voice.

"This will get everyone off of your backs and get them to see just how amazing and full of love this relationship is and how it always has been." I pull my work chair in closer as I type on my computer and speak to her at the same time. Multi-tasking at its finest. "This interview will be nothing but great coverage for you both and we'll let everyone see Lamar's side of things instead of everybody terrorising him as a drug addict."

"You're very persuasive," she chuckles, "damn it, now you got me considering it."

"Please do," I chuckle tiredly, "you'd be saving my behind and I'd be doing you and your family a favour by putting all the rumours to bed."

She sighs and I actually feel sympathy for her. I couldn't possibly imagine what she's been through and currently going through. "I'll have to run it by Lamar before I confirm it with you, okay? No promises though. He's isolating himself from the media at the moment."

"That's totally fine, no pressure," I reassure her, "it's all you, lovely."

"Thank you for being so kind and genuine about this." She sighs gratefully. "I haven't had much of that lately. Or well, ever."

"No problem," I smile, "send him my regards."

"I will," she giggles, "bye, honey. I'll text you."

"Please do," I chuckle, "ciao."

I hang up and groan, laying back in my leather chair exhaustedly. Where the hell is Blake? He hasn't been in the office all day today so I've being going solo with this month's issue so far and I could really use his help. I'm exhausted which confuses me cause I've gotten more than enough sleep. Am I the only one who gets very tired if she sleeps too much? I'm weird.

I try call Blake again and it goes straight to voicemail, making me frown and toss my phone on my desk frustratedly.

Where could he be?

Blake's POV:

"Chico, if you stare at your reflection any longer we'll miss our doctor's appointment." She chuckles.

"Sorry, I just look so good today." I smirk over at her and we laugh.

"Thank you for taking us, Nicky," Maria thanks Nick, Justin's personal driver.

"You're welcome, my love." He smiles adoringly at her. "Anytime."

"You'll be here when I finish, no?" She asks hopefully.

"I'll be in the waiting room to direct Ms. Lopez to you, sweetheart." He rubs the back of her hand and I melt. So fucking cute!

Logan and I are cuter though. Just saying...

We get out of the car and of course like the gentlemen he is, Nick helps Maria's short frame out of the car and walks beside her as we make our way to the doctors office.

We see a slightly less crowed waiting room since this is during working hours for the people of New York, which I'm grateful for.

We take our seats and wait for Maria's name to be called by the receptionist or the doctor.

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now