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You didn't really think I'd end Jeleanor's love story like that now, did you?

To those who hated on me and dissed my story for its ending kiss my arse, you don't deserve this SEQUAL and you're all a bunch of whinny little bitches who have zero faith in their so called "favourite author". You're a shitty fan for putting me down for a realistic ending. Grow tf up! Words hurt after writing over 60 chapters for your ungrateful arse.

I made that ending so I could give you a SEQUAL you bitches.

Oh yeah, I'm doing a SEQUAL... You excited? Do you want it... ;)

Never doubt me you little bitches. I'm the baddest bitch of an author you'll ever read about. Doubt my writing skills again and I'll get Blake on your arse, bitch.

Now buckle up for this SEQUAL. You won't even be ready for what I have planned

Don't beg me to update. I'm taking a well needed break from all things My Hot CEO! See you in a few weeks or months or whatever


My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now