My Hot CEO Chapter 42:

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Justin watching Eleanor ->

Elliot's POV as requested:

I fiddle with my tie and bite my nails as I stare ahead of me at the guy I was requested to fire because as Justin stated and I quote "he's a pathetic excuse of a worker" and that he should and I quote "shop at different fucking clothing store."

I just made it to the top floor when I've been waiting to make it up here for years. Triatan's a dick to everyone and I don't do anything but my work in this building. I mind my own business even though I get pushed around and taken advantage of because of my intelligence, line of work and simply because I'm afraid to stand up for myself and disrespect somebody since I'm one of the youngest workers here at Bieber Enterprises.

I look back up at him to see him coming towards me. I gulp thickly and stand up straight.

Before I can speak he speaks first.

"Ely I-"

"It's Elliot." I correct him, earning an eye roll from the imbecile. Justin was right...his clothing is atrocious.

"Like I give a damn," he scoffs, "you're just a techie. And as a techie at this company you need to fix my computer because it crashed also I'd like you to update it, thanks Ely."

I scowl, finally having enough and somehow a certain confidence overpowers me. His arse will be fired after I tell him what Justin told me to say anyway.

I stand tall and go chest to chest with him, leaving a little bit of space between us.

"You're fired."

Tristan put a fist to his mouth to prevent himself from laughing. Suddenly he burst out into fits of laughter at how confident I'm making myself look.

"W-Wha- oh my god." He snorts. "W-What'd you just say?"

"You're fired." I deadpan. I'm not amused at all. The irrelevant male before me annoys me till no end. His existence is highly unnecessary and I've been waiting for Justin to fire his arise since I met the prick.

"Who do you think you're talking to?" He sneers, getting all up in my business.

"A person I was assigned to fire." I simply state.

"Bieber, assigned you," he points at me, "to fire me," he points to himself with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, that is correct, do you need it in writing? Or perhaps would you prefer sign-language?"

Tristan gapes at me like a fish out of water. He looks at me incredulously as if he can't believe the young nerd who gets pushed around and does nothing about it is finally standing up to him. I've taken his nonsense for too long so yeah, I'm gaining satisfaction out of our conversation or well, his dismissal.

"Who the hell do you think you're talking to?" He growls.

"A freshly unemployed worker from Bieber Enterprises." I state smarty. I wonder what Justin would think if he saw me finally standing up for myself.

"Justin wouldn't fire me!"

"Oh but he would," I nod and push my glasses up on my nose.

"And what exactly did he tell you?" He sneers.

"He said these words and these words exactly, okay? Are you listening properly?" I lean closer and motion him to lean closer which he complies to.

"Yeah?" He says annoyed.

""Tell Tristan he's fired and to pack up his shit immediately since you will be replacing him" and by "you" he means me, I'll be replacing you."

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now