My Hot CEO Chapter 13:

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Eleanor's outfit on the side -->

"Don't ruin my work," Blake hisses.

We are currently in my room making final touches to my outfit for the party.

Blake stood up and grins widely at my outfit. "Perfect."

I smile and go look in the mirror. I actually love this dress. It's cute and simple. And these heels are so comfortable. Just like always, he never fails to amaze me.

"You like it, bubble butt?" He puts his hands on my hips, and his chin on my shoulder as we admire our reflections.

"I love it." I smile. I turn around, peck his lips and give him a big hug. "Thanks, chico."

A knock sounded throughout the apartment and Blake squealed. I laughed at him and attempted to go get the door, but he pulled me back. "You better have fun and drink a couple drinks for me."

"Don't worry, I will babe." I attempted to walk away once again, but just got pulled back again.

"Oh, and make sure-"

"If you don't move now, I won't be able to do anything at all." I laugh.

He giggles and takes a hold of my hand. He walks me too the door and hands me my clutch before opening the door.

I have to restrain myself from grabbing Daniel's face and kissing him. He looked so handsome. Suits really do him justice.

He looked at me with adoring eyes and stepped forward, grabbing my hand and placing a soft kiss on it. "You look gorgeous."

I blushed and retrieved my hand. "Thank you. You look absolutely handsome, Mr Grayson."

He couldn't help but crack a smile. He looked over at Blake and sent him a playful glare. Stepping forward he slapped him across the head.

"Ow," Blake whined. "What was that for?"

"For slapping her yesterday, you goose." We all laughed and Daniel hooked his arm around my waist bringing me into his side. "Mind if I take her off your hands?"

"Not at all. Her presence was pissing me off anyway." Blake shrugged. I hit him just like Daniel did and he hissed. "Oh my god can both of you just leave already."

I giggled and closed the door behind Daniel and I. We stepped in the elevator and pressed the floor button. Daniel looked over at me and smiled. "You ready for the party?"

"Yeah I have a feeling it's going to be a good one."


We walked on the red carpet and posed for a couple photos while getting yelled at that we make a great couple. Every time I'd hear it I'd blush into Daniel's shoulder while he chuckles and kisses my forehead, leaving the paparazzi in awe.

"Daniel, you've been seen with Ms. Lopez on 2 occasions. Are you two dating or what?" A female reporter asks.

"Very true." He chuckles. "But no...Not yet." My cheeks turn beat red and I just hope that he keeps on walking. Sensing my embarrassment he walks off of the intimidating red carpet and into the chill party.

There was a long pool in the middle of the backyard and a dance floor beside it with tipsy, rich snobs. Everybody had a drink in their hand as they posed for photos and danced in the sunny backyard. I took a deep breath and soaked in the afternoon sun.

"Wanna drink, lovely?"

"To the bar." I smirked at Daniel. He chuckled and led me to the bar. "Can I please have a raspberry vodka?"

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now