My Hot CEO Chapter 2:

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Photo of Blake on the side --->

“Okay. First things first,” Blake says as soon as we take our seats at our desks. “He is a fucking babe!”

“Daniel Grayson? God damn I know righ-”

“No you idiot- well yes but were not discussing that fine specimen as the moment,” he chuckles. “I’m talking about Justin Bieber. The man looks like his been sculptured delicately and perfectly by Greek gods.”

“You’re obviously over exaggerating,” I laugh as I take a sip of my coffee.

A scowl makes its way to his face and he turns around muttering curse words possibly towards me, under his breath. I roll my eyes and take another sip of my coffee. Before I can swallow it I spat it out all over my black flats. Blake jumped back and looked amused at my jaw dropping along with my dignity.

There on his screen was the most gorgeous man I had ever seen in my life. Justin Bieber had golden brown locks of hair that I just wanted to run my fingers through for hours on end. He had a defined jaw line and looked like it was sharp enough to cut through glass. His skin was clear, no blemishes nothing, just beautifully tanned. His eyes…His eyes were absolutely mesmerizing with their chocolaty color making me lose sense of everything around me. They were so captivating and I knew that if I were ever to meet this perfect human being, I would get lost in them immediately.

Blake clicked out of the photo of only his face showing and went to a full body photo of him in a Dolce & Gabbana suit. He had a lean body and his fore arms were covered in tattoos. Even though his body was covered in a suit you could just tell that under it all he had a gorgeous body.

I saw a photo on the side that said Justin Bieber topless and snatched the mouse out of Blake’s hand to click on it. Once I clicked on it my jaw literally dropped. I visibly gulped as my eyes racked over his glorious body.

His stomach consisted of a six pack that slowly descended into a V line that was half covered by his Calvin Klein boxers. His forearms weren’t the only things covered into tattoos. It was also his shoulders, his pecks, his neck and in the middle of his chest. I’ve never want to run my hands over somebody’s body as much as I did for this man. Well maybe Trey Songz or Chris Brown but well this Bieber kid was defiantly on the list as well.

I was always a sucker for tattoos hence the reason why Chris Brown, Trey Songz, Harry Styles, Bruno Mars and many more artist were my weakness. I’ve got a few tattoos of my own but I can’t really flaunt them around the work place so there currently covered by my choice of attire today.

Anyway back to this kid. While Blake and I were doing some snooping I realised this guy really doesn’t know how to smile. In all of his photos he has this hard look on his face. He was glaring, squinting, scowling or just frowning. It was quite a shame that such a beautiful human wouldn’t smile.

Blake clicked on a photo and snapped me out of my thoughts. He was smiling. He was actually smiling like he had a real smile on his face; it reached his eyes and everything. The hard exterior was gone and if it was possible he looked even more beautiful than he did before. No he looked like an angel that I could never get tired of looking at. He actually had such a breath taking smile. His teeth were white and straight as if he had gotten braces as a child. I also realised he had a dimple. My weakness.

“Wow,” Blake laughed. “Looks like love at first sight.”

I closed my jaw and wiped the little drool I had on the side of my mouth as I recomposed myself. I cleared my throat and shook my head.

“He's okay,” I shrugged.

Blake laughed really hard to the point where he was hobbled over, holding his stomach. I scowled at him and turned my chair around in my desk. I’m glad there’s a wall so no one can see my lunatic of a best friend, but the girl across from our cubical thinks were weird as fuck. We continue to surprise and scare her every day with our weird friendship. I wouldn’t be surprised if the poor girl asks Daniel- our boss- our hot boss- to move cubicles.

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now