My Hot CEO Chapter 37:

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Might have a few errors.

I came home the next morning in Charlotte’s clothes. I was exhausted due to last night’s events. It was most definitely an eventful night that I’ll never forget.

 I yawned as I approached my apartment. I hadn’t drunk much but I could still feel the headache from yesterday about to attack. As I neared my apartment, my eyes trailed up to look ahead of me and widened at what it saw.

My walking slowed down as I observed the figure that would send me to an early grave, standing in front of my apartment. Justin stood with his back against the wall and his foot prompted up as a navy blue suit adorned his lean body.

I lick my lips and sigh as I approach my door. He turns around to face me finally acknowledging my presence.

I walk past him and put my key into the keyhole. I turn the key to my door and push it open to reveal my humble abode.

"Hi," he mutters.

"Hey," I say quietly as I push the door open. We haven’t had a proper conversation since our fight on Monday and today was Saturday.

I walk in and stand by the door, looking at him with a look as if asking him why he was gracing me with his presence this morning.

"Can I come in?" He asks hesitantly, the cocky demeanour not seeming evident in his body posture.

“You could but you would be breaking your “I don’t ask, I demand rule.”” I say dryly, trying to break the tension.

He chuckles tensely and I furrow my eyebrows. “Sure…come in.”

He nods and walks into the apartment with his stiff posture, looking around the apartment tensely before meeting my eyes.

I close the door to my apartment and walk past him to go place my bag along with my stuff in my room. I come back out into my living room to see him playing with his tie as if it were chocking him.

"You can take off your’s just you and I here anyway." I say lowly.

He visibly gulps causing his prominent Adams apple to bop as he struggles to take off the tie.

I sigh and walk over to the nervous male standing stiffly in my living room and undo it for him, placing it on the coffee table.

"Is it hot in here or is it just me?" He chuckles anxiously as he fans himself, sweat glistening on his forehead.

“Are you okay?” I eye him wearily.

He clears his throat and nods. “I’m fine.”

I walk closer to him and I see his breathing falter. I touch his forehead and he sighs at the feel of my cold hand.

"Uh…how about we go sit on the veranda?" I suggest, looking at the bi-polar CEO in a questioning gaze. He was acting so weird this morning.

He nods and stays still, not making any movement to the veranda. I sigh and walk ahead of him to the veranda we have outside of my apartment. I open the door for him and let him walk out before I close it behind him.

He walks ahead, placing his hands on the concrete wall that stops us from falling off the balcony and stares ahead of him with his eyes narrowed and his jaw clenching and clenching.

I took in his beauty not being able to help myself in his presence. His hands were placed in front of him as one foot stood in front of the other as put his weight on his hands that were currently placed on the railing in front of him. The blue Versace suit that he wore fit his lean body in all the right placing making the sight of the CEO ahead of me completely mouth-watering. Anyone woman who saw this gorgeous man would melt at his feet wanting to catch his attention in some way.

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now