My Hot CEO Chapter 33:

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The Photo Justin Sends Eleanor ->

Every time I slept at Justin’s house I always found myself waking up to watch him sleep. When he’s asleep the mean, cocky demeanour changes, he isn’t the dick CEO that infuriates me every time he opens his mouth. He’s just simply innocent and completely flawless.

The first thing that caught my eye about him was that from the outside he was everything I want in a guy. I’ve always had a fascination with tattoos. A guy could be ugly but his tattoos would catch my eye immediately.

He takes care of himself and keeps fit. His body is legit a wonderland and I couldn’t pin point something I disliked about it. I would literally sing Your Body Is a Wonderland by John Mayer, to him.

He had a cute button nose. His lips were plump and the perfect shade of pink. His eyes…His eyes, I can’t even describe how they make me feel. Perfection is what described them. I was always a sucker for a guy with hazel eyes. I find it a turn off when guys are hairy, but luckily the only hair he has is on his legs and his cute snail trail.

I could go on for hours about how perfect Justin Bieber is and never get bored.

As I lay here stroking his face thinking about everything having to do with him, I realised just how much I loved everything about him.

Sure he’s a dick, rude, mean, compulsive, possessive, controlling, manipulative, bi-polar, b- look there’s a lot of flaws in his personality, okay?

But he’s also hilarious and always keeps me laughing. A guy can be hot as shit and have all the money in the world along with a huge reputation, but if he didn’t have a sense of humour, I would send him straight out the door.

I want a guy to laugh at my jokes, to find me funny, tease me a bit and not be an uptight dick, someone who will play fight with me and joke around with me. Justin and I are always mucking around, joking and teasing each other, and I love it more than anything.

I realised that all his flaws didn’t matter to me and that the good in him over powered the bad.

I finally realised after all this time of being in denial that I am well and truly in love with Justin Bieber. Yeah, I said it.

I’m in love with Justin Bieber.

When I’m with him nothing else matters. It’s just he and I. He makes me feel things I’ve always hoped to feel with the man I fall in love with. He gives me all the usual cliché feeling of butterflies, tingles, shivers and all that other lovey dovey stuff.

Justin Bieber officially owned the key to my heart. My heart is in his hands now. He can choose what happens with it now and it pains me to think that the only thing he’s going to do with it is break it till there’s nothing left.

He wasn’t going to give me all I craved from him. I want a relationship with him; I wanna be the only girl in his life besides his mother, little sister and Maria. I wanna be the only girl that only ever gets to be intimate with him, the only girl that ever gets to hold him and lay her fingers on him, the only girl that he ever makes feel special, feel loved and beautiful. The only girl that will well and truly get to claim him as hers, I just want all of him to myself. I wanna be selfish with him and have him be mine.

But I could never get that, not yet anyway. He doesn’t want that. Sometimes my heart aches thinking that he only still keeps me around because he wants the challenge of trying to get into my pants. I know he only started talking to me to get in with me, but that plan backfired. So the real question is why does Justin Bieber keep me in his life?

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now