My Hot CEO Chapter 31:

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Sorry If I offended any of you at all lately with anything I've said. I love and respect you all.

Daniel's outfit on the side when they go clubbing->

I STARTED WATCHING REVENGE AGAIN! DANIEL'S PERFECT! If you don't watch it I highly recomend you start.


Justin’s POV:

What the fuck am I doing? Have I really been stroking her face for 20 minutes? How aren’t I bored yet? What the fucks wrong with me?

I’ve been running my fingertips over every feature and inch of her face since I woke up. I’ve realised that I can’t find a single flaw on her gorgeously tanned face. I always find something about a girl that I don’t like. Either her nose is too big, lips are too small, eyes are too close together, bushy eyebrows, yellow teeth, blemishes and other flaws.

But with El…Shit there was nothing I could point out.

She has a cute little button nose that she scrunches up when I kiss it. She has the most juiciest and kissable lips that are just the perfect size. Her eyes are perfect and completely mesmerizing. Her teeth are perfectly aligned and don’t have a single thing wrong with them. Her face is clear and completely flawless in my eyes.

Why I think this? Well I don’t know and I’d rather not over think it.

It saddens me that I have to wake her up. She looks so peaceful and so tired.

I lean forward and place my lips softly against hers. I move against them hoping she’ll react to it. Seconds later her lips curve into a smile and she starts to kiss back making me smile too. She runs her fingers through my hair and I sigh pulling her closer towards me.

“Good morning to you to handsome,” she says in a raspy voice that sends a chill down my spine.

“It’s time for work, love.” I frown.

“I don’t wanna,” she whines like a little kid and shoves her face into my neck as her arms tighten around my bare torso.

I laugh and rock us back and forth eventually pulling her on top of me so she lied on top of my body. “As much as I’d love for you to stay in bed with me, you gotta leave, babe.”

She whines and sits up on my torso. She cutely rubs the sleep out of her eyes and yawns like a baby lion. I yawn like a fucking dinosaur when I yawn.

“Unless you wanna have morning sex, I’m all for that too.” I smirk and wiggle my eyebrows.

She giggles and slaps my chest. “Perv.”

“You love it though.” I smile. “You sure you don’t wanna?”

She leans down and takes the pad of my ear into her mouth making me gasp in surprise. “I actually wouldn’t mind at all. You know what they say, baby…”

She kisses behind my ear and down my neck. “What do they say?” I ask breathlessly as her lips work their magic.

“Morning sex is the best sex,” she whispers seductively into my neck and bites the purple bruise she left me yesterdy for Chantel to see. I hiss and grab her hips tightly. “But in your case the closest thing to morning sex you’re having is having a cold shower to get rid of your boner.”

And with that, she jumped out of bed, leaving me in a sexually frustrated mess. I just wanna do her so bad!

“You’re such a tease,” I whine.

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now