My Hot CEO Chapter 1:

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I woke up to my annoying roommate knocking on my door to wake me up for work.

"El, get the hell up before were late, you little bitch," he yells, throwing a pillow at where I was currently wrapped up in my sheets.

"Mm, 5 more minutes," I mumble, sleepily.

And then in a blink of an eye the warm sheets were ripped away from my half naked body. I flinched as the cold air hit my skin. "Blake," I whined.

Blake is my roommate, also known as my best friend in the whole world. No this isn't some sappy romance novel were the girl is secretly in love with her best friend and the feeling is mutual on his end. Blake isn't sexually attracted to women. I'll admit when we first met I was kinda bummed to see such an attractive man such as Blake to be gay but hey, I still love the dork anyway.

Blake and I moved in together after we graduated from college. We own a cosy little apartment in the streets of Manhattan. We were hired at Grayson Global almost a year ago as interns hoping soon to be promoted as full time workers.

"Up and at em, Ella. We're going to be late if you don't hop in the shower," he says as his laying an outfit on the bed for me. "I'll spit in the deliciously made breakfast I made you if you don't hurry to the shower."

I shot up from the bed and left the room, but not before sending Blake a glare as I made my way out. In no time my tense muscles were comforted by the warm water shooting from the shower head. I scrubbed my body clean and washed my hair which I will soon blow dry after my shower.

I hurried out of the shower and dried myself before throwing on the gorgeous clothes my roommate selected I wear for the day.

I walked out of my room with my heels in hand and placed them on the bar stool as I sat on the stool beside them. In front of me looking better than ever was the French toast Blake had made me. I took no time to start scarfing down the amazingly made meal, looking like I hadn't eaten in days.

"Hm," Blake hummed amusingly. "You'd die without me in your life, El." I moaned in response and he chuckled. "Come on fatty. We gotta get to the office before hot CEO Daniel Grayson scolds us."

"Wouldn't mind that at all," I smirk.

"Hmm, me neither. That man is fine piece of art if I say myself," he says dreamily. "I wouldn't mind kissing every inch of that man's body under his suits."

"Hmm," I mocked him. "To bad his straight then, aye?"

Blake scowled at me and grabbed his designer wallet from the kitchen table. "Shut it Ella. I know he wants to play for my team but his obviously too scared to admit his feelings for me."

I giggled at my in denial friend as I sipped on my juice. Blake dragged me out of our apartment and towards our work place not being able to wait for me any longer. I rolled my eyes at him as he rushed us into Grayson Global. The elevators dinged to indicate that it was our stop.

As soon as I walked out of the elevator I saw all my fellow colleges rushing around looking busy with whatever set task Mr. Grayson, set.

Before I could go to my little office Blake, reminded me about the board meeting that would be held in a few minutes and I thank him for reminding me. I walked into the little space I call my office and took the documents and my mac book to take down notes. Before I made my way towards the board meeting room I made sure to go to the break room to make myself a vanilla latte.

"Hurry up Eleanor," Blake hissed. "I wanna get a good seat next to Mr. Grayson's, fine ass."

I laughed at Blake's eagerness to see our boss who looked like a god damn runway model. We hurried towards the boardroom and saw a few people who were standing around talking absentmindedly. Blake practically shoved me down the table towards where Mr. Grayson, always sat. I scowled at him and took a seat as he took one beside me.

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now