My Hot CEO Chapter 41:

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Haven't updated in a week and half because I felt that the last chapter deserved more then what it got but I'm back you horny bastards you better vote and comment cause this is a great long ass chapter xo

Song and photo for chapter on the side - Stronger - Kanye West

Eid Mubarak to all Muslims! Mine Eid was great hope yours was too!


Justin wakes up to feel soft kisses being placed on his bare chest as a small hand ran up and down his bare tattooed arm leaving goose bumps in their wake.

Soon the lips trail to his neck where soft open mouth kisses are being placed leaving the skin to tingle under the culprits touch.

He sighs in content actually waking up in peace and for once in a long time...he didn't have to wake up alone.

Justin grips his current addictions waist and holds her to him closer for comfort. Her warmth and presence made his stomach flutter.

"I know you're awake," she whispers into the love of her life's ear, not knowing tingles shot down his spine at the sound of her voice.

"Jay, come on wake up." She giggles and kisses the shell of his ear. "We can have morning sex..."

The CEO's lips twitch in amusement as he continues to keep his eyes closed. The brunette beside him burst into laughter which he couldn't help but smile too. He couldn't laugh though, the events in his life were stopping him from happiness.

"Oh so now you're awake, huh?" She laughs and pushes him onto his back only to have him pull her up so she is straddling his waist.

"Good morning," she smiles down at him not knowing that he was melting at the sight of her.

"Morning," he says softly, admiring her morning beauty. Why she wore makeup always left him confused.

"How'd you sleep?" She rubs his toned stomach as she looks down at him.

"Perfectly thanks to you," he says in that same low soft voice that had her body tingling.

"You don't have to pretend with me Jay," she says softly.

He frowns and the pang in his chest immediately returns as he's reminded of his dreadful life outside of this room. But to be honest he never forgot. How could he? His life turned upside down in a matter of hours due to his anger and stupidity.

She strokes his cheek as she mirrors his frown, looking down at him with nothing but concern filling her orbs.

"Talk to me," she whispers, "I promise I'll listen and do my best to comfort you."

He tilts his head into her hand and closes his eyes briefly at the softness of her skin stroking his cheek.

"I fucked up so bad, Eleanor." He whispers, his eyes slowly opening to see her looking at him, giving him her full attention.

He sits up and settles her on his thighs as his back is against the head board and his hands are on her bare thighs.

"Tell me what happened after I left." She says softly.

He sighs and rubs a hand over his worn-out face. The wrinkles that were going to reduce due to the stress the young CEO suffers were the least of his problems right now.

"After you left I ran after you," he says quietly making her stomach swarm with guilt as she could already feel it has something to do with her. "But you left before I could get to you."

"Sorry." She whispers. She didn't know wether to tell him what Maria had told her or not. She thought it would cause trouble for their relationship and with him and Maria so she decided not to speak until she is asked to.

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now