My Hot CEO Chapter 21:

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“He said that?” Blake scoffs.

“Yep,” I pop the ‘p’.

“Eleanor.” He sighed. “This is why I think you should’ve just said no and worked on what you and Danny have."

“I tried to do that,” I sigh. “I stopped seeing him and didn’t want anything to do with him. I swear I tried Blake, but he has me wrapped around his finger. I’ll say no but internally I’ll be screaming yes. I like him, I really do, soon probably even more then Daniel.”

Blake shakes his head and sits up on my desk.

“I don’t think you should grow feelings for him El,” he says sternly. “He is unsure of what he wants; he hasn’t asked you to be his girlfriend because he doesn’t want to settle down yet. He is going to hurt you.”

“Blake, I know but how the hell can I stop my feelings?” I say frustrated. “If I could put my focus all on Daniel and fully be his then I would. But Bieber is just taking over my mind.”

He sighs and rubs a hand over his face. “In his mind you’re his. Another thing that’s going on in he’s crazy head is that he doesn’t belong to anyone…Not even you.”

“I know.” I frown. “That’s why I didn’t say I’d stop seeing Danny for him. Because I know that he’ll still keep going with his hoes. You know I’d always stay faithful because of-"

“Don’t worry baby you don’t have to explain why.” He stroked my hand. “Don’t bring that up. It was a bad time.”

“The worst time." I shook my head.

“At least Justin’s not lying to you about he’s women like he that shall not be named.” He says with a little smile.

I laugh and get off my chair to kiss he’s cheek. “It’s cute how you’re trying to make this better.”

“I try.” He shrugs. “Where are you going?”

“To tell Daniel what’s going on,” I say nervously. “Looks like this office will be all yours by the end of the day.”

He looks at me sympathetically. He pulls me into his muscular chest and kisses my forehead. “I don’t want it all to myself. I wanna share it with my short tempered Latina.”

I giggle and he pulls back to smile at me. “You’ll be fine. It’ll be fine. Good luck.”

I peck his lips and head to the chief-in-editors office.


I wipe my sweaty palms on my skirt and take a deep breath. I wish I had my stress ball with me.

I knock three times before hearing a faint “come in”. I turn the handle and push open the door to reveal the man I’ve been infatuated with.

He smiled wide and got up from his desk and pulled me into a warm hug. I sighed contently and hugged him back. I’ll probably never get to again.

“Hi,” I whisper.

He pulls back and smiles at me. “Hi, gorgeous.”

“How have you been?” I smile softly.

“Alright, I guess.” He shrugs. “How about you?”

“I’ve been alright.” I smile a toothless smile.

“Congratulations.” He grins and pulls something from his suit pocket.

"W-what’s this?"

“Open it.” He grins widely. “I got it before the Bieber article because I knew you would be promoted soon.”

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now