My Hot CEO Chapter 12:

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Photo of Daniel on the side -->

I stare at him wide eyed and drop the box in my hands. He looks angry as fuck.

“Surprised to see me?”

I visibly gulped. “W-What are you doing here?”

“I think the question is, why the fuck did you leave my home without telling me?” He says walking dangerously slow towards me. Every step he took, I backed away from him further.

I gulped hard once I was backed up into Lewis’s desk. I mustered up the courage to just come straight out with it. “The interview and the photo shoot are done. There was no reason for me to stay.”

A look of hurt flashed through his brown eyes before he went back to his angry black orbs. “So what, you were planning to leave my home and never see me again?”

I bit my lip and hesitantly nodded. He clenched his jaw and moved forward until he was pressed up against me. “You don’t want to be around me now that we’ve done our business?”

“I don’t see why I should since there both done,” I say nervously.

I gasp as he grasps my thighs and places me on Lewis’s desk, standing in between my legs, where my women hood was wet at the sight of him. “So we just stop seeing and talking to each other? Last night was a goodbye?”

“If you think about it, all the things we did together were work related except last night.”

“Yeah, but do you honestly want to stop talking to me now that there all done?” He asks quietly.

“Justin.” I sigh. “It was honestly all just business to me. It was great meeting you and I had a great time with you last night, but I didn’t think we’d continue keeping in contact with each other.”

“All of it was just business to you?” He scoffed. “So when I kissed your neck,” he leaned forward and placed open mouthed kisses on my neck, causing the area in between my legs to throb. “It was all just business?”

I nod. Lies.

“When I kissed your chest,” he moves the strap of my overalls and kisses my chest, “It was just business?”

I bit my lip and nodded trying to avoid the feeling in between my legs. He started stroking my bare thighs and goose bumps arose all over my skin.

“And the way your wet for me right now is just business?” He whispers seductively in my ear, nibbling on it.

My eyes widen and my cheeks flush in embarrassment. I push him away from me and clear my throat. “Yes everything was just business and now it’s all over so I don’t see us running into each other anytime soon.”

“Hmm...Shame,” he said sarcastically. “Because I plan to see you again and I will see you again.”

“You can’t control that,” I hiss.

He grips my thighs tightly and I gasp. “I can and I will.”

I huff and cross my arms across my chest. “Whatever. I won’t agree to going anywhere with you.”

“Hmm, that’s too bad, because I was going to take you to the Roosevelt party with me tomorrow afternoon.”

Wait that’s were Daniel’s taking me. I’m not ditching him for Justin. It’s unfair and mean. He asked me first and I want great company not tense company.

“I’m going to that,” I comment.

“I know, with me.” He smirks.

“Nope.” I push him away from me and hop off the desk, patting my skirt down. “With Daniel.”

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now