My Hot CEO Chapter 36 Part 1:

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*Favorite Photo* Justin's Outfit On The Side ->

Can I post my new story? Would you read it?

It had been 4 days since I’d last spoken to Justin which was through text message. I hadn’t tried to contact him and it was the same on his end. I guess my texts really got through to him.

To be honest I haven’t even had time to think about him this week because I’ve been so busy. I’ve been working and when I wasn’t working I had to go get my nails done, buy a new dress, new shoes, and new jewellery and get my hair done for Daniel’s birthday.

Today was the day of his big birthday bash and I was doing something with my friends that I really shouldn’t be.

“We’re so fucking terrible.” I shake my head and walk faster down the isle of the clothing store. “Only we would go shopping for a present on the same day of the birthday.”

“It’s actually quite common.” Logan shrugs. “I guarantee a lot of people shop for presents for a birthday at the last minute.”

“That doesn’t make it right you loser.” I giggle.

“S’all good, aint like Daniel will know anyway.” Maliah shrugs. “At least we’re getting him something, that’s what counts.”

“El, I think you should get him something like a piece of jewellery because he got you one,” Blake says as he holds up my wrist where Daniel’s Tiffany & Co present dangled off my wrist.

“You know what you’re right. I’m going to go down to Armani to see if they have a decent priced watch that I can get him.”

“Girl put my name it on it.” Maliah yelled after me.

“No, buzz off, get him something yourself.” I sassed as I swayed my hips from side to side to give dramatic effect.

I walked a couple of stores off into the city streets of New York to find the closest Armani store. I spotted it next to Tiffany & Co and practically ran to it. I nodded at the security guards they had at the doors before walking in to look at the expensive watches they had on display.

I walked down an isle of watches that were on the wall behind glass cases and looked at all of them carefully to find the best and cheapest watch they had. I wasn’t poor nor was I rich. My job at Grayson Global actually pays really well, but then you gotta remember that I have to pay the bills, pay for the groceries, pay rent and send money to my parents.

I grew frustrated when I couldn’t find something that he’d like. When I was about to give up on all hope, I stopped dead in my tracks and spun right around. Sitting there behind the glass case was a gorgeous silver Armani watch. I grinned and had to restrain myself from pressing my nose against the glass to gawk at it.

I dialled Blake’s number and squealed when he answered. “I found the perfect present for him. Have you guys found anything?”

“Yeah, we got him a designer suit with a handkerchief in the pocket that has Big D imprinted on it.” He giggles. “And then we got him his favourite team jersey and that has the name Big D on the back of it instead of a player’s name.”

I burst into laughter as I wrote down on a piece of paper what I would like the watch to have written on it. I thought it would be cute to write something since he did that same for me.


My friends and I were all at the entrance of Daniel’s extravagant birthday bash. We were all dressed elegantly since we were going to be with some of the biggest names in the industry.

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now