My Hot CEO Chapter 10:

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Eleanor's outfit on the side -->

I was lying down on my couch under the warm blanket with chocolates scattered around me. I was catching up with episodes of Arrow. Oliver Queen is probably one of the most attractive actors I’ve ever had the pleasures of watching.

I was about to take a bite of my kit-kat, but somebody knocked on the door, snapping me out of wanting to rip Oliver Queens clothes off.

I groan, and unwillingly get off the couch. I shiver when a cold breeze rushes to my bare thighs. All I was wearing was one of Blake’s muscle shirts that reached a little above my knees. You could see my turquoise lace bar on the sides and a bit of skin.

I walk to the door in my bunny slippers and open the door without asking who it is. Standing there looking as gorgeous as always was the man who knew how to make me putty in his arms.

Justin wore jeans, a white button up shirt and a buttoned up coat. His hair was styled in its usual quiff. Nevertheless tonight he looked absolutely gorgeous. I melted at the sight of him. After coming to my senses and realising he was at my door step after treating me poorly today, I got angry.

“What are you doing here?” I hiss.

His eyes rake my body not even caring that I noticed. His eyes were wide and took in every inch of me. Moistening his lips, he meets my dark gaze. “We have a date tonight?”

“No we don’t. Now I suggest you leave.” Even though I really wanted nothing more than to be in his presents, I go to close the door.

Before it could close, he put his foot out and pushed it open. I backed up into the wall surprised.

He looked angry and took steps towards me till he was only inches away. “You agreed to go out on a date with me tonight if I did the photo shoot.”

“You frecking yelled at me and embarrassed me when I tried to help you,” I seethe. “You’re crazy if you think I’d want to go out with you after that.”

He sighs and rests his forehead against mine, looking me deeply in the eyes. “I’m sorry. I was caught off guard and didn’t know what you were doing. I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”

I sigh and close my eyes. “You didn’t have to yell at me and tell me to get out though.”

“Hey,” he whispers and I open my eyes. “I shouldn’t have and I apologise.” He brings his hands to both sides of my hips and places them on my bare skin. His eyes widen and he sinks his teeth into his bottom lip. Turning my hips slightly, he sees that my sides are bare.

“Jesus,” he mutters under his breath at the sight of my turquoise bra. He creases up and down my sides causing goose bumps to rise on my skin. “I don’t wanna go anywhere now.”

He removes his warm hands from my sides and I whimper at the loss of contact. Putting his hands under my thighs he tells me to jump. I oblige and wrap my legs around his muscular torso. Carrying me to the couch, we keep our gaze locked with each other’s.

We sit on the couch, me in is lap. I play with the ends of his hair and he breathes a shaky breath. I start to hear moaning coming from the TV and my head darts to it. Oliver and Sarah are ripping each other’s clothes off. I gasp and turn around in Justin lap to face the TV.

Justin groans from behind me but I pay no attention and watch the screen with wide excited eyes. My eyes never left Oliver’s gorgeous body. 

Justin starts kissing my neck but I keep pushing his forehead away every 3 times he tries. He groans and grips my hips. “Are you seriously ignoring me right now for Oliver Queen?”

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now