My Hot CEO Chapter 35:

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Photo that Justin sees in this chapter ->

Eleanor’s POV:

I drew the rose petals to the flower I was currently drawing on the edge of the blank document I had received as soon as I walked into the board room this morning. Today was the meeting where I’d be assigned to a new task along with the rest of my colleagues.

Last month, Justin was my task and this month I was excited to receive my new task, since it will be the first time Blake and I work on a task from Victoria, where we’re not interns and finally full time workers.

 I tried to draw the outline of the rose perfectly, but failed miserably as my hand shook. You wanna know why it shook? Maybe that’s because my two very, very annoying friends Blake and Maliah are currently playing footsies with each other. Time’s like this I question there maturity.

“If you two do not stop kicking each other I swear on Chris Brown’s life that I will break both of your legs and throw you through the glass windows behind us,” I hissed quietly so only they could hear.

I didn’t look up from my drawing to receive their fearful faces since I was too entranced with making this flower pretty.

“Now Blake and Eleanor,” sighs Victoria. I actually really don’t get why she hates us. Maybe it’s because of Blake. The sight of him is quite annoying to me; maybe queen bitch feels the same.

“Both of you will have the front page of this month’s issue to prove that I made the right decision of recruiting you from interns.”

Blake and I nod, waiting for her to continue.

“Alright, we’ve got Maliah covering Daniel’s birthday party as one of the features for the magazine, now everyone throw in some ideas we could assign for the front page this month, go.” She waved her hand.

Everybody shot out ideas. Some would say terrible ones for Blake and I to do, making me mentally wish to shove my pen up their noses. Some were decent but too plain for Blake and me to do. I just pray that I’m not assigned to do something I don’t want to do, like when I was made to interview Justin.

“I think Eleanor and I could cover the Victoria Secret Fashion Show that’s in a few weeks.” Blake grins. “We can interview some of the models and give a review of how we think it went.”

Victoria grins widely at Blake and then clears her throat awkwardly for showing liking into an idea Blake suggested. “I am very fond of that idea and would like it front page of this month’s issue. Can you and Eleanor handle it or will I need to assign somebody else?”

“No, that won’t be necessary.” Blake grins, widely. “We will be able to handle it perfectly, Mrs. Grayson.”

“You better not disappoint me.” She glares at us, intimidatingly.

“Are you sure I shouldn’t cover it Ms. Grayson?” Ashley says in a sweet tone. It wasn’t sweet at all it was quite irritating in my ears.

“No, I think she’s good.” Maliah smiles a bitchy smile at her. “I’m sure you can cover the “how to get over losing a guy to a girl who’s better then you” column. I mean…I’m sure you’ve personally experienced that multiple times, right?”

Ashely clenches her jaw and glares murderously at Maliah as if killing her with her eyes. Snickering was heard around the table as they knew what Maliah was referring to. She was referring to when Justin choose to have me interview him instead of Ashely who gloated about it for ages only to have me requested instead of her.

“Anyway,” Victoria rolls her eyes, “all of you go off to your offices and start working on your assigned jobs for this month. Eleanor I would like you to type me up a document when you get to your office as well.”

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now