My Hot CEO Chapter 4:

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He was leaning back in his chair with his hands in his lap. His dirty blonde hair was pushed up into a perfect quiff. He had on an Armani suit jacket with a white dress shirt buttoned up all the way. His tattoos I saw the other day were covered by his suit Jacket and I almost frowned but came back to reality when I remembered why I was here.

The confidence I had somehow managed to build up when I started this plan was stripped away in and instant as his eyes raked over me. I shivered under his intense gaze.

"And who are you?" He raises his eyebrow.

"My names Eleanor," I squeak.

"Eleanor is it?" He asks.

"Yes sir." Wait did I just call him sir?

He motions me to his desk with the flick of his index finger. I gulp nervously as I make my way over to his desk. His eyes watched my hips sway from side to side as I did so.

"Sit," he commanded, gesturing to the chair. His voice was somewhat amused yet it was slightly hoarse. I tried to avoid his gaze, but I was drawn to his eyes that seemed too bright for his otherwise dark demeanor.

I sit and cross my left leg over my right. "I'm Eleanor."

"You said that already, Eleanor."

My cheeks turned beat red as I nervously played with my ring. "Sorry."

He moved his chair forward and leaned forward on the desk, resting his chin on his clasped hands ahead of him. "You most certainly are not here for a job interview and obviously snuck your way in here since my recpetionist didn't escort you in here."

I tried to get a word in but he continued. "You have one minute to talk before my security gaurd Patrick, comes and escorts you out."

My mouth dropped open. "H-How'd you know?"

"Are you kidding me?" He chuckled lightly, the amusement not reaching his chocolaty eyes. "First of all, you're a brunette. I specifically said no brunettes. My workers don't make mistakes. Second-" I cut off him.

"What do you have against Brunettes?"

He scowled at me. "Second of all, don't interrupt me when I talk. When I talk you listen and wait for me to finish," he says demandingly. "Lastly, I'm guessing you are Eleanor Lopez from Grayson Global who I nicely asked not to contact me again."

"You threatened to place a restraining order against me, that's not what I would call asking nicely," I commented handily. His gaze darkened and I immediately shut up.

"Your minute is up. Get out or I'll get Patrick to drag you out," he hissed. I flinched under his gaze but somehow managed to talk.

"Please, Mr. Bieber. All I'm asking is for one interview at Grayson Global-"

"I said get out."

I stared at him in shock before my Latino side took control along with my anger management coming out. I told you I don't like when I'm yelled at and will flip my shit. I stood up and leaned dangerously close across the desk, meeting his gleaming eyes with my own. This guy is a fucking dick and I won't stand for it.

"You Mr. Bieber are mean and a fucking rude person," I seethed. "The hell with your interview. I'm glad you refuse to do this interview because there is no way in hell I would waste my time writing about a frecking prick, such as yourself."

An amused smile played at his red lips and I turned to walk out. I heaved at the heavy doors but just as quick as they were open a large hand closed them. I felt his hot breath on my neck and flinched. His hands grabbed my waist roughly and turned me around to face him.

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now