My Hot CEO Chapter 47:

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Justin & Jason Bieber on the side ->


This is my favourite chapter! I'm so excited since I've been waiting forever to post it!

Read end notes xo


We walked up the drive way and I grabbed Justin's hand for comfort. He smiled at me and kissed my forehead.

"Babe, you need to relax." He laughs. "My mums like a teddy bear. She's the sweetest thing ever."

"So basically the opposite of you?" I raise my eyebrow.

He rolls his eyes with a smile, "I'm not that bad but we're actually quite similar."

"As I recall, teddy bears are cute and cuddly and aren't complete dicks to humanity and don't frighten people like yourself."

He glares at me and let's go of my hand. "I hope she hates you and acts exactly like me." And with that he walks up the rest of the long drive way, leaving me to gape behind him.

I run and hug him from behind tightly shoving my forehead into his muscular back. "I'm sorry, don't leave me, please!" I whine, squeezing his torso tightly. "I'll do whatever you want just keep me by your side at all times."

He laughs and turns around in my embrace to look down at my pouting face. He looks at me in pure adoration with a fond smile on his lips. He cups my cheeks and kisses my pouted lips multiple times, eventually making me smile and forget my nervousness. He's such a great distraction.

"My mom loves to be around bubbly, happy an smiley types of people, so don't you dare frown or be awkward, okay?" He says sternly.

I nod frantically.

"And loosen the fuck up she won't hate you." He rolls his eyes. "Plus you have my brother and sister to keep you company. Their much like your age anyway." He smirks at his joke. I push him hard almost making him fall over and walk ahead of him to the front door. He laughs behind me and meets me at the door.

He knocks on the door and it was like a reflex to grab his hand again.

He smirks at me and whispers "you need me".

"Jaxon, you can't reach, let me do it," a young girl's voice sounds from the other side of the door.

"If I twy I can," another child's voice sounds which I believe is Jaxon.

"Look, just let me go on your back and we will reach it, okay?" The mystery little girl asks. I'm pretty sure it has be Jazzy.

"Owkay." And with that we hear a "omf" before the door opens and we are greeted with two familiar faces. Jazzy and Jaxon stand there with Jazzy on Jaxon's back.

"Bieber!" Jaxon yells, throwing Jazzy off his back.

The boy jumps into Justin's arms and I gasp bending down to help the little girl up.

"Are you okay, princess?" I ask her.

She takes my hand and stands up, dusting her dress. She looks up at me and was about to answer until she looks behind me with wide eyes and a grin.

There Justin sits on one knee with open arms for her, his face lit with complete happiness. The sight of him happy is truly beautiful.

"Juju!" She yells and runs straight into his arms. He gets up once she's in the safe haven of his arms, and spins her around, grinning at the sound of her squeals and giggles.

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now