My Hot CEO Chapter 38:

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Having a mother who suffers from depression and having a lot of experience with death makes this chapter mean a lot to me. For those who feel the same I’m here if you ever need to talk. Stay strong ♥

Video and photo on the side. R.I.P Amy ♥ Please listen to the song or play it while reading.


I stand outside of the home that belongs to the man I’ve chosen to settle down with, anxiously. My palms were sweaty along with the rest of my body under my sweater and fitted blue jeans. My heart currently races in anticipation as my stomach churns unpleasantly. 

The door was left open, leaving me to stare ahead at the expensive home in bewilderment. With furrowed eyebrows, I walk into my current lover’s home expecting to see him, but instead I see his wonderful maid, Maria.

She looks up at me as if expecting me as her eyes cloud with sympathy for an unknown reason that made my insides clench unpleasantly.

“Good afternoon, baby.” She smiles a small toothless smile, almost as if it were forced.

“Hey, Maria.” I smile a toothless smile, showcasing my dimples.

“Take a seat nena,” she gestures to the seat in front of her, “there are some things I need to inform you of.”

I look at her inquisitively, and slowly nod my head. I walk over to her hesitantly and sit in front of her on the expensive dining table that matched the furniture in the home of the man I love.

She sighs and puts a strand of hair behind her ear with a shaky hand.

“Maria, are you okay?” I ask, taking a hold of her shaky free hand.

She licks her lips and looks up at me with glazed eyes. “I’m fine, chicka. It’s Justin who isn’t fine.”

“What’s wrong?” I say slowly.

“Mi amor, have you ever wondered why Justin is the way he is?”

“All the time,” I nod with a small laugh.

“Would you like me to tell you?”

The playful smile left my face almost immediately, my shoulders perking up as my heart rate accelerated in speed at the anxiousness running through my veins at the much needed information. “Please.”

She takes a deep breath and looks up at me with teary eyes.

“He was never like this before it happened,” she speaks with a shaky voice and shakes her head. “He was completely the opposite.”

I hold her hand tighter for reassurance as I’m close to tears at the sight of the distraught maid. She’s such a happy woman that it leaves you to think that she has no worries in the world.

“When s- she-” she stops mid-sentence and sniffles.

“Who is she, Maria?” I say softly, trying to sound comforting.

“Justin’s past fiancé.” She sniffles.

“What about her?” I ask as my breathing gets heavier and my heart starts to ache. Fiancé?

“Eleanor, she died 3 years ago.” She blurts out in a heartbreaking voice.

My breath got caught in my throat as my heart started to feel heavy with pain and guilt. I felt pang in my heart at the fact of Justin losing somebody so dear to his heart and imagining the entire pain and heart break the man I love had to endure. I felt guilty because I judged this man as if he were a heartless prick who knew nothing of feelings and of people’s emotions.

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now