My Hot CEO Chapter 26:

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Eleanor's outfit on the side -->

Not edited.

Remember how I told you my ideal place to be the other night and told you I’d take you one day? –Justin

…Yeah? –Eleanor

Well that day is today. Don’t wear a bikini. I got something else for you to wear. –Justin

OMG, are you serious? You’re really taking me on a boat? :D –Eleanor

Not just any boat…My boat. ;) I’ll be there in a few minutes, babe. –Justin

I blushed at the pet name I loved and ran to my closet.

I put on a white maxi dress and left my hair down in its natural wavy look. I grabbed my designer sunglasses and pushed them up off my eyes so they rested on my head, pushing back my hair and threw some lotion in my handbag.

I walked over to my bed where my three best friends laid, snoring away. I placed a sticky note on Blake’s forehead and giggled as I left the room.

I went and washed my face along with my teeth. I sprayed some perfume and left, closing the door behind me.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the container of strawberries covered in whipped cream, I made myself. I let my lips wrap around the juicy strawberry and bit into it letting the juices devour my taste buds. 

A knock at the door sounded through the surprisingly quiet apartment. My stomach fluttered with excitement and I took my container of strawberries with me as I went to answer the door.

I opened the door and smiled at the beautiful brown eyed model.

“Hey cutie,” he grinned, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my lips.

“Hi,” I smiled.

He leaned forward with furrowed eyebrows and kissed me again, licking my lips. “You taste like whipped cream.”

I giggled and held up my container. “That’s probably because I am eating some.”

“Oh, gimmi some.” He opened his mouth like a little kid.

I took one and rubbed the whipped cream all over his lips as I laughed. He pouted whilst I looked at him in pure adoration. I pulled out my phone to snap a photo of him.

He put my phone on selfie mode and snapped a photo of him smiling against my lips with his whipped cream covered lips. He started recording as I licked the cream off his lips and pecked them multiple times as we both laughed.

“Eleanor,” he laughed, trying to move his head out of my grasp.

“Juju,” I cooed as I kissed him all over his face.

He chuckled and ended the video, sending it to himself. “We should get going, babe. Bring the strawberries.”

I giggled and went to the kitchen to make a few more and my packed them in my handbag.

“Are you ready to go, sweetheart?” He smiled.

“You’re being awfully nice Mr. Bieber.” I smirk as I make my way over to him at the door.

“I actually like you today for a change,” he joked.

“Ha-ha you crack me up,” I say sarcastically.

He chuckles and takes my hand in his as we close the door behind us.

As we walked away from my apartment door, I couldn’t help but realise how perfectly his hand fit around mine. It’s almost as if they were made for each other. Cliché, I know, but it’s true. I love how his large hand completely covers my small hand when we link fingers. I love how I’m shorter then him and that when I hug him, my head goes into his chest instead of his neck. I just love how we look when we’re together. Does he realise these things?

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now