Pretty Drawings

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3rd person Point of view

Alex and Rose was sitting on the sofa will Alex finished drinking her juice and of course Rose watched and chuckled as Alex spilt some of it down her nice top. Alex blushed trying pretend that Rose didn't just see that.

"We're gonna go get you some sippy cups this weekend baby." Rose kissed Alex on the side of the head and help her place the cup down."How about you show me your room sweetie? Rose held her hand out waiting for Alex to guide her.

" Oh yeah! "Alex stood up excitedly and dragged Rose to her room." I gotta show you my books! Oh and my new mattress it's so soft and nice to sleep on you'll love it!" Alex was very enthusiastic to show Rose they had spent to much time at Rose's that it felt more like home there than here with her mom.

"Babe you don't have alot of furniture in here, you sure you're actually moved in all the way? "Rose asked curious at the empty spaces and how empty it still felt.

"I have one box or two to unpack but I was meant to go to IKEA and get a big book shelf , a bean bag and a new TV but I haven't had time. Plus! Tvs cost so much that's why I've left my xbxk downstairs." Alex explained beginning her brief tour of her room. Rose new that was definitely going to get Alex a few things for her room on Christmas.

Rose wandered around the room looking at Alex's books seeing what was in her girlfriends collection a few she approved of and a few she definitely wanted to read as soon as she got the chance to. Alex however walked over to the window that pointed at Rose's.

"Its crazy how much I can see into our bedroom from here. Luckily this isn't my moms room otherwise... Ew." Alex shivered turning back to Rose. "Hey!" quickly Alex placed her hand over the big black book that Rose was staring at in amazement.

"Im sorry babe it was just there and I couldn't help but open it you know, it was intriguing to me. But I shouldn't go through your stuff like that I'm really sorry." Rose quickly apologised realising how rude and invasive that might have seeme. Alex sighed.

" Please don't be mad. "Rose pleaded.

" No what I'm not. I'm embarrassed. "Alex sat down on the bed book in hand." There's drawings in here that might make you not want to date me."

"Babe come on how could that ever be, the drawing I just saw was fucking beautiful. You captured that forest by the cabin so well" Rose sat with Alex hand out to take the book back she desperately wanted another look at it.

"They were from before we met so don't be freaked out." Alex handed Rose the book and watched as she flipped through each and every drawing and till she got to the one that made Alex nervous.

"Huh." Rose gasped. Looked at every detail of the drawing the way the shading highlighted her back and curves, she saw how the window frame covered her ass just enough as well as how her hair flowed and looked so realistic. "This was the first time you saw me?" Rose looked into Alex's big beautiful brown eyes.

"Yes. I didn't know you at the time but I just couldn't keep this image out of my head... When I first saw your back from that window." Alex blushed looking down.

"You're so sweet babygirl. Thank you." Rose kissed Alex's cheek before flipping over the next pages. "Wow is this my eyes. You got the colours so perfectly" Rose aswed in amazement.

"What can I say you're beautiful." Alex smirked starting to feel proud of herself. Rose flipped the page again and again until she found another image of hers.

"Alex!" Rose shouted. "Did you draw my boob?" Rose looked sternly at Alex.

"Nope." Alex bit her lip.

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