Nakey Baby

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Alex's point of view

"Mama." I woke up in bed alone."Mama!" I sat up to see mama walking in with a plate of food that spelt unbelievable.

"How you feeling sweetie?" Mama asked sitting the food down in the nightstand and walking over to feel my head. "You're still a bit hot"

"No school mama!" I hid under the duvet.

"No school. Plus it's 10am" She laughed and patted my duvet covered legs making me reappear.

"Oh. You're teacher! You can't miss." I gasped.

"I got Miss Tenor to cover for me, don't you worry about a thing and eat some breakfast with me" Mama put the plate in between us and handed me a glass of juice and picked up herself a piece of bacon and took a bite.

"So we have the day off!" I sipped my drink. "This is going to be so much funnnnn."I smiled and grabbed a piece of toast.

"Calm down baby or you're gonna get crumbs everywhere. "She chuckled." Today you're gonna rest. So eat up then we're having a bath."

"Okay mama." I smiled taking another bite.

Breakfast was eaten quickly even if mama said that I didn't eat that much,when in reality I thought i ate a lot for me. I don't usually even eat breakfast only because mama said so.

"Bath time." Mama held her hand out for me and I followed her to the bath which she filled with lovely big bubbles! I love bubbles, i let mama undress me and watched as she began to undress herself.

"Pretty mama." I penguin waddled over to her and hugged her body.

"Pretty baby" Mama laughed tapping my head before picking me up and putting me in the bath, i whined a little but quickly stopped as she jumped in the bath too making me rush over to her side and kay on top of her nakey body.

"Nakey RoRo"I giggled poking her booby.

"Just relax pretty baby." Mama used one hand to play with my hair ever so gently while her other hand began cleaning me."Feel good?" She asked quietly.

"Hmmh." I hummed nodding against her boobies my eyes feeling heavy again as she was slowly dripping water down my back. I leant down slightly and began sucking mommy's nipples, my sucks were fast and needy until my eyes got heavy.

"Close your eyes baby don't fight it" Mommy whispered. But I want to see my pretty mommy I thought, if I close my eyes she disappear. I kept fighting to keep my eyes open but my head was still feeling incredibly sore and my whole body ached. It was much better with the warm water and mommy pressed against me but my body needed rest and eventually beat me in the battle to stay awake.

"Good afternoon again princess." I heard against me. Now I realised I was downstairs on the sofa bed with mommy laying near me. "How you feeling?" She asked handing me some water.

"Better, i think" I smiled. "My head still feels quiet heavy but I don't feel as hot." I looked at her with loving eyes, Rose was the best girlfriend ever for looking after me, I could see the concern in her eyes all yesterday and all this morning and it made my heart melt. Usually when I was sick or just feeling under the weather I would be on my own to look after myself because my actual mom was always away.

"Hey big girl" Rose leant forward and kissed my head. "Take this and just lay down for a bit okay. Whenever you're ready I can get you some soup and we can watch your favourite film?" She handed me a pill and baba.

"Baba! Where you get baba?"I asked.

"Well you're mom came over to see if you're okay and I got her to let me into your room quickly and grab it." She smiled

"You left me?" I tilted my head.

"Only to grab you some bits, i want you to stay here for a few days at least until Friday so I can keep an eye on you." She explained handing me my blankey as well.

"Okay." I took of the blanket covering me so I could have my blankey keeping me warm instead, but suddenly I noticed I was naked."Nakey!" I shouted looking down at my boobies and kitty.

"You were too hot and I didn't want to make you hotter with clothes. I can grab you some clothes?"

"No. I nakey." I giggled, any chance to walk around naked is a good choice.

"Okay nakey baby" Rose laughed at me and turnt the TV on playing my favourite film.

"Yes!" I jumped up and did a little dance before sitting back down and crawling over to Rose and straddling her lap ready to snuggle. I laid my head down on her shoulder and let her arms wrap around me.

"Awe you're such a sweetie." She grabbed my blankey and swung it round us to cover my nakey body. I hummed against her body and snuggled deeply into her body, allowing my face to face the TV.

After awhile i started getting bored of the film and my head was no longer hurting and but I still felt pretty warm. My throat is achy.

"Rose. My throat achy. Drink." I looked up at her making her tilt her head. "Drinky?" She tilted her head again and raised her eyebrow. Gosh she's so hot.

"Manners?" She gave me a very serious look.

"Pleeeeeaase." I giggled once she handed me the cup and sat up to take a sip. I wiggled against her happily. "Tasty." I wiggled my butt again.

"Calm down baby" Rose said grabbing my ass and tried to sit it back down on her lap.

"No, wiggle wiggle wiggle." I laughed shaking my ass more.

"Nice to see you feeling better." Rose ran her hands through my hair making me smile widely up at me.

"I love you!" I shouted before kissing her lips.


"I love you too." Rose smirked. "Sit down, let's finish the film baby." Rose nudged me to sit back down on her so I did what I was told. Urgh kitty tingle. I buried my head into her neck and began to leave small little little kisses on her neck.

"Okay baby. You're still feeling hot so no. Relax time." She patted my blankey covered ass.

"Hmm" I groaned shrugging the blankey off of me revealing my nakey boobies.

"Baby. No" She tried covering me up but instead I leant down and bit down on her neck and began sucking. "Alex! Stop" She squeezed my ass making me moan against her neck.

"Mistress" I moaned teasingly. I yelped as she placed her hands underneath my thighs and tackled me on to the sofa.

A/N: I hope you liked, I haven't really written that much or in a while either I've just been busy and not that motivated but I will update again this week.

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