Play time

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Rose's pov (Smut WARNING!)

Alex and I walked downstairs to see Rachel and Katy stood by the door ready to leave, both little's were eager to leave.

"Come on, Roro we leaving" Alex whined.

"Let me grab you a snack first, you haven't had dinner and you need food in that little baby belly." I said quickly grabbing her a banana, cereal bar and a few juice boxes before running outside to catch up to all three of them.

"Finally, ohhhh Alex has a hickey! " Katy joked and pointed at me. "Aunt Rose is naughty."

"I'm here, I'm here. And Katy I have many stories about you two that I could tell Alex about " That made Katy quiet, I placed the snacks in my bag along with the juice. Grabbing Alex's hand we walked to the park, it wasn't a long walk luckily but it gave us the perfect time to chit chat before they ran off to play.

"Roro." Alex whispered while Katy rambled loudly about the slides to everyone. "Katy called you aunt?"

"Yep baby she did, because Rachel is my best friend so she calls me auntie when she feels little." I explained quietly.

"AAnnd there's a monkey bars Alex! But they're really tall!" Katy rambled and Alex nodded her head.

"So do I call Rachel auntie?" She whispered.

"If you want to baby. But we're here now so go play, i will be right here if you need me." I smiled rubbing her back.

The park we attended was rarely fully, if anything mostly teenager's came her to sit on the swings. Around the park was a lot of nature , trees, bushes and even a pond. It's was nice place and many people would walk around here during the day, but the park was usually out of site with the trees around making me feel at ease. I really didn't want to go all mama bear on someone if they tried to upset my baby.

"Look Alex!" Katy shouted.

"They're so cute together" Rachel pointed out, the pair of us sat on a bench near the pond. Making us close enough to see the little devil's but far enough to talk and enjoy.

"Yep very cute indeed." I smiled.

"How did it go then?" Rachel poked and teased me. "Or was you to chicken to ask her?"

"I am not to chicken, when am I ever Tok chicken!" I scoffed at her remark.

"When it comes to her you're a big softie, she'd get away with murder I can tell. See Rose the thing is,  I know you. You don't open your heart to anyone but with her it's a different story and you open it fully with her. Aka! Big softie!" Rachel laughed. "Like a Teddy bear."

"I am not a Teddy bear!"

"You so are Rose" Rachel laughed

"Anyyyway, we spoke and she knows she's a little. We're gonna talk more later when you two leave, i don't want her to worry or over think anything while she's enjoying Katys company. But she wants to call me mama or mommy" I told her trying to fight back the warm smile that wanted to appear on my face, God maybe I am a softie.

"Awe that's so great, I'm really happy for you. For someone who is new to bdsm she takes it all really well." Rachel pointed out.

"I guess she's just a really open minded person." I shrugged. "So tell me how's work going for you two?"

"It's going well katys been managing shop and doing a fantastic job at that, every customer loves her. Shop two just opened up and I'm helping observe it all while we find another manager. If you know anyone who needs a job and is good at planning and all that please let me know. " She chuckled loudly." How's school going? Anyone found out you're fucking your student?"

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