Alice is Trouble

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"Good morning Alex! " Alice shouted slamming her locker loudly. In response Alex yawned.

"No sleep? Collins keeping you up?" Alice chuckled loudly.  Making Alex's heart beat rapidly.

Alice enjoyed teasing Alex way too much, of course she'd never tell anyone but that doesn't mean she cant tease her new friend and her favourite teacher a little bit.

"What?!" Alex choked out.

"Come on, the rest of the group is outside. Let's go!" Alice grabbed Alex's arm and pulled her along.

"Okay get off of me. I can manage perfectly on my own. Thank you very much." Alex pulled her arm away. And pulled her bag strap higher. The pair of them headed outside to meet the others at the back of the field underneath a tree.

Around the tree sat Ryan, Vanessa and Shawn. All huddled together, underneath the tree.

" Yo, lexi!" Shawn shouted."My fellow gay take a seat. Alice you may take half a seat." Shawn laughed hysterically.

"Get it because she's bi. Half! God I kill myself." Shawn continued to laugh loudly but stopped abruptly when Alice punched him.


"Hey Shawn, what's with the picnic? I thought we aren't allowed out this far?"  Alex turned to face the others as she spoke.

"well usually, no. But we're lucky enough to get away with it." Alice joked.

Alex sat on the grass next to Alice and Shawn. "So how was your hangover? I'm guessing bad if you didn't come in yesterday." Ryan joked

"Yeah, your mom must be so cool to give you the day off." Vanessa chimed in.

"Well she's definitely something, my head hurt and I slept in alot. But it was a good day." Alex smiled politely.

"Hey, you know what's funny. Even Collins had a day off, the first one she's ever taken. Hmm how weird." Alice smirked.

"That's definitely weird, she's never taken a day off." Shawn remarked.

"Maybe she was sick?" Alex tried to divert the conversation.

"Hmm, maybe." Alice whispered "Or she was busy fucking someone?"

Alex was drinking mid sentence as Alice whispered that in her ear, making her physically choke and spit out her beverage.

"What!" Alex couldn't believe, she knew? But how? No she's joking, she had to be. If she knows Rose will get fired and she loves being a teacher. It will be all her fault she shouldn't have lied about her age. She should have told the truth.

"Woah Alex! You okay, I was just joking." Alice passed Alex a napkin.

The rest of lunch they spent eating, chatting and listening to music. The entire time Alex couldn't shake the idea that Alice knew something and she knew she would have to speak to Rose. The last thing she wanted was her to get fired. And leave her.


"Come Alice , double English time, let's not be late. When Miss Collins shouts my head spins." Alex joked, thinking that when she's late her ass also stings.

"See ya!" Vanessa shouted as the pair walked away.

"Yeah, laters" Shawn joined joined in.

Alice and Alex both waved good bye to there friends as they walked off to class.

"Hey I have an idea for this lesson." Alice smirked.  Alice knew that Alex needed to behave in class but that couldn't mean they couldn't get up to some stuff in class. Alice did love pissing Rose off.

A/N: Just another filler chapter, i have some stuff planned for the next chapters it should be more enjoyable and answer a few questions regarding Alex's mother.

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