Alice Knows

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3rd person POV

Rose jumped into her car wearing only a pair of shorts and an oversized hoddie to hide the fact that she wasn't wearing a bra. Seeing as it was 2am Rose was definitely ready for bed and her reading ettire showed that. No matter how old she got reading at night when it was dark and quiet was her favourite thing to do, this night she had chosen to refresh her memory of to kill a mockingbird for Alex. Rose felt that it would be her best interest to help Alex as much as possible, seeing as she could tell she struggled with the different school syllabus.

Speaking of helping Alex, Rose was speeding down the road to get to Alice's house, her heart was racing along with her thoughts. She knew high-school parties could get out of hand and she didn't want anything terrible to happen to her Alex or for any of the rumours appear like the last party that was thrown. She trusted Alice immensely and thought that she was probably the most responsible teenager she had met yet. Well except Alex, she was clearly good at acting like an adult seeing she managed to fool Rose for quite sometime.

Rose's thoughts came to a halt when she arrived a few houses before Alice's, grabbing her phone to call Alice.

"Alice, bring her out. I can't be seen remember. I definitely don't want to be the teacher who is known for gate crashing a high school party. I will either look lame or look like I'm gonna close it down. And I'm not that much of a bitch." Rose argued.

"Okay, I've got her. We're coming out now, she's stopped puking but I'd keep the window open for sure." She hummed in response, hanging up the phone.

"Hey Alice just put her in the front" Rose asked her nicely. "Hey, sweetie I'm gonna take you home now. Tell me if you're gonna be sick" Rose buckled Alex up and moved her hair out of her face. She picked up the water bottle she brought and placed it in the sleepy girls lap, tapping her thigh and pointing down to it. "Drink." Alex gave a sleepy nod.

Rose lowered both windows as Alice said goodbye to Alex and walked round to talk to Rose.

"So you gonna tell me how you know where she lives?" Alice asked leaning against the car.

"She's my new neighbour, her mom is away. So I'm keeping an eye out that's all." Rose response good and well timed, technically it wasn't a lie. Alex's mom was away and she was indeed keeping an eye on Alex ensuring her safety. But she didnt tell her the reason was because she cared for her deeply.

" Just a neighbour? " Alice smirked.

"What else?" Rose asked.

"Well Rose, I've known you my whole life and you have never seemed like the good neighbourly type" Alice laughed.

"Maybe you don't know me as well as you think you do" Rose remarked.

"Well I can just ask my mom, she grew up with you. Or I could ask my auntie Bell. Your sister. I'm sure she still knows you well enough." Alice said taking her phone out with no intentions to actually call Bell, she knew the pair were no longer speaking. Rose did not even go to Bell's 36th last year.

" Okay. I will tell you the truth" Rose spoke quickly, looking back to see if Alex was still asleep. She was. "You gotta keep it a secret, i can fuck up your college application." Rose replied harshly.

"Come on Rose, it's me and we have our fair share of secrets now don't we." Alice leant in to hear carefully. She already has a suspicion but she wanted to hear it directly.

"Shut it. Bare in mind that Alex and I met before I knew she was high schooler."

"Oh shit! I knew it" Alice jumped up and down.

"Shush let me finish, so we met before seeing as she's my neighbour and we've dating for about 3 weeks. She's only just been my official girlfriend and I only just found out otherwise I wouldn't of dated her." Rose said in defence.

"Yep, because you don't take high-schoolers." Alice laughed again. "She's over 18 so it's not even illegal, stop stressing. But yes your secret is safe with me. I promise"

"Thank you. And thank you for keeping an eye out for her tonight." Rose smiled.

"Your welcome, anytime. Oh and we should all hang out sometime." Alice said walking back to her house hoping it didn't get trashed while tended to Alex.


Alex had puked twice since the short ride back home started, luckily warning Rose each time giving her enough time to pull over. Allowing Alex to puke on the side walk with Rose holding back her hair whispering kind words. When in fact it killed her to see Alex in so much discomfort and it also made her angry out how irresponsible Alex was.

Arriving into Rose's house Alex slumped down on the couch while Rose grabbed some more water and handed it to the pale girl.

"Right you wanna tell me how much you drank or if you're just sick?" Rose asked gently kneeling down in front of her.

"Not too much, but in the last one I don't know how what or how much Shawn put in" Alex explained unaware of the drink Shawn gave her, it was either vodka or tequila... Maybe both she thought.

"Okay sweetie, lets get you to bed and we'll talk about the dangers of drinking" Rose said helping Alex stand and point upstairs."I will be up in a moment let me get you a bottle of water, you PJs."

Alex whined slightly she definitely didn't want to go to sleep yet she wanted Rose. Alex stood in the bedroom looking for something to wear for about ten minutes unaware that Rose had retrieved the bottle of water and was now standing behind her, admiring the view.

"This will do" Alex picked up Rose's big sleep shirt, well it wasn't big for Rose but she was alot taller than Alex. Alex decided it was way to hot to wear anything else. She shimmied out of her skinny jeans and was now hooking her thumbs underneath her panties. Making Rose hold her breath as Alex wiggled her ass out then bending over to take them off, still unaware of the presence behind her.

"My ass!" Rose growled grabbing a handful as she bent back up. Causing a small screech from the drunk girl. "You are so lucky that you're too drunk, otherwise you'd be over my knee begging for me to fuck you." Rose whispered in Alex's ear still holding on to her ass still, giving a small squeeze. Rewarding Rose with Alex's angelic moan.

"Well then, you better fuck me" Alex whispered taking of her top.

A/N: Boom! Finally! I suck at updating. But here ya go, now my question is will they be having sex or will Rose instead be banging out how consent and alcohol works?

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