Mom Knows Best

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Alex's point of view

I was sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for Rose to finally get ready, it took my about ten minutes to get dressed and ready for tonight's events where as Rose was still faffing about.

"Babe hurry up I'm bored!"I grabbed my phone to text mom that we're not gonna be too long. "If we turn up late she will be in a bad mood, let's not make this worse."  I sighed as I got no response, i huffed back on to the bed my head hitting the soft king-size mattress in defeat.

The bathroom door clicked and out came Rose her high hills clicking against thr floor." Finally. " I smiled sitting up my jaw dropping at the goddess standing in front of me, her hand in hip looking amazing. She was wearing a all black out except her lipstick was a bright red colour making her lips stand out and assert a powerful dominance. Making slightly want to slip into sub space. Her blouse was open just enough and her skirt was the perfect length making me blush and not jealous as she's still hidden leaving alot to the imagination.

"Rose? I really don't tell you this enough but you are incredibly beautiful." I stood up walking towards and placed my hands on her hip making her blush. Wait what she blushed.

"Thank you sweetie." She bent her kneck down and kissed my lips gently."No more staring. Time to go before we piss your mom off"

"Hmhh." I pouted now longer wanting to leave I just wanna get back into bed with her. Rose grabbed a tissue and wiped my lips unaware that her lipstick was on my lips, she turnt me around slapped my ass harshly and walked us out of the house and towards my first home.

"You knock." I whispered.

"Baby it will be okay." Rose held my hand tightly as she knocked on the door making my mom answer quickly. We stepped into the living room as she ran off into the kitchen.

"Where's your key Alexis?"Mom was stiring something in a pan on the oven.

"I forgot. "I shrugged my shoulders heading to the fridge, oh juice! Nice.

"Hi Rose, dinner won't be long girls. Alex get the table set Gary will be here soon. " Mom said nicely checking on the food inside the oven clearly a bit stressed about cooking. She's never been a great cook...

"Of course Lisa, come on Alex." Rose held her hand out again for me. I quickly grabbed my juice and ran to her grabbing her hand.

"Don't drink too much. You won't eat all your food if you do." Rose warned me as I gulped down my drink.

"Okay." I whispered putting the juice down, mom always gets my favourite snacks. We set the table quickly and took our seats as Gary walked through the dinning room door.

"Oh you two are here before me, I guess that means I'm late then." Gary laughed sitting down opposite Rose.

"No not late at all Gary we're just on time." Rose laughed too.

"Which must be rare as Lisa told me that you Alex are always always late." Gary joked.

"Hey not always."I said in my defence." Plus this time it was her fault not mine. "I pointed at Rose.

"Okay" Gary said laughing with Rose. "How are you Alex how's the leg feeling?"

"Oh yeah it's better. I don't need the cruches anymore." I smiled.

"Great! You had us all worried for a second." Gary had a real look of concern making me smile sincerely.

"Yep all healed up and back to her normal self thankfully." Rose placed her hand on my thigh giving a gentle pat making me melt inside.

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