Who Is She?

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Miss Collins POV

I sighed in relief as I felt the cold water trickling down my back, washing away all the dirty thoughts I had about my new neighbour. Every time my body started to relax and the throbbing between my legs would stop I would think about her again, I was wondering what her name was, how old was she.
She must of been about 22 maybe even 23, I wonder if she was single or even liked girls. God her body consumed me all the things I would do to it. My thoughts went wild and I knew one thing for sure was that I had to met her.

Finally I got out of the shower once my arousement went away, I put on a comfy pair of short shorts and a tight top with a low cut hem, there was no point in me putting a bra because I had no plans what so ever in going out tonight. I was tired and all I wanted was a nice night in before work starts and I'm around rowdy teenagers.
"A glass of red wine and a cheeky takeaway that's what I need" I spoke out loud feeling egar to relax. I turned the TV on the front room scrolling through netflix trying to find something that might at least be a little bit interesting.

"it's fucking impossible to find something to watch" If I had a girlfriend this wouldn't be an issue. And there I go again thinking about the mysterious girl hoping that she could be here sitting on the couch with my drinking red wine.
"Seriously what's wrong with me, I haven't even met the girl and I'm already planing the fucking wedding by the looks of it. Frustrated with my self I threw the remote at TV and decided to ring Rachel she always cheered me up.

"Hey Rachel! I need your help"

"Hey bitchhhh! What's going on? Wheres the body and do you want me to hide it?"

"haha you're very funny, it's important my new neighbour I saw her today and well let's just say she has a great body"

"You already fucked your neighbour... already?!? Damn after your last sub I didn't think you would be ready to get your heart broken again" My heart clenched at that the idea of not only getting my heart broken by another sub but the idea of my last one Lilly.

"What no I didn't fuck her she just left her curtains open and I thought I told you to never mention her again!" I said with a growl deep at the back of my throat. Trying to hold back the voice crack as I shouted.

"Ok ok I'm sorry but have to admit that's a little creepy on your part staring at a naked girl you don't even know " I suddenly heard a faint little voice it was katys voice in the background calling for her mommy (Rachel)

"It's okay baby, mommy's here, right I better go katys just woken up from her nap see ya later love ya!"

"Bye Rachel love ya too and send my love to Katy" I hung up the phone suddenly hearing the quietness that my house brought when it was just me. Times like this made me miss having a sub or even a little. That feeling of complete bliss...

After a few hours of watching TV and eating my Chinese takeaway I heard a car pull up out side of the house, I stood up and walked over to the window wondering if Rachel and Katy have come over to take me out clubbing like they always did, but instead I saw a women who must have been about 40 years old, walking towards a taxi with a suit case while the young women I saw earlier followed behind looking as if she had just been crying. It broke my heart seeing such a beautiful girl crying like that all I wanted to was hug her and tell her that's I'm here but I knew that wouldn't happen I had just met her.

The two women hugged and the older lady hooped into the taxi while the younger girl stood there alone. Once the taxi was driving off into the distance the girl turned around and headed towards her house, suddenly she looked at me through my window.

I waved at her slightly, she stopped dead in her tracks and smiled at me. I decided to smirk at her hoping she would see my curiosity, but Instead her eyes just wandered down staring in a trance like stated, she quickly looked up winked at me and swiftly walked away. I was shocked and very confused, questions about her wouldn't stop coming in my head all night long that day.

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