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3rd person POV

It was now October and the pair had been dating for 2 months, they were exploring Alex's little side and both of them loved it. It gave Rose the chance to look after her cute little baby and it gave Alex a sense of freedom, to relax when stressed or tired so she can forget everything in her head. Rose was her safe space and would always be her safe space.

Alex's favourite part was when Rose and her looked on a little's shopping site, Rose brought Alex another blanky, a few little stuffies, a backpack for her little things and a few binkys. Being able to suck on a binky, watching cartoons, wearing a onsie while Rose cooked them dinner was becoming a ritual for the pair. Rose loved it when Alex was deep into little space expecially when she got to hold Alex and giver her suckies. It was soothing for both of them to have skin to skin when cuddling.

Since the first play date the four of them have hung out alot and Katy and Alex enjoyed being little together. They already had another sleep over planned and a trip to a bdsm event, which Alex was very nervous about.

"Hey Alex!" Alice shouted to Alex making her turn around after pulling her books out her locker.

"Yo, what up Alice ?" Alex asked.

"I just wanted to let you Amber and I are gonna study for the science test, wanna join? The others are busy tonight so they won't join " Alice offered

"Sure when and Where?" Alex asked

"Heyyy, you two coming to study then?" Amber appeared suddenly.

"Yeah, Alex is joining too. Oh and after school. Who's place though?" Alice asked.

"Well not mine I'm afraid, builders are there doing the bathroom so it's a mess. Yours Alice?" Amber asked.

"No can do, I'm currently avoiding my parents." Alice said. All three of them began walking to their last class with Miss Collins.

"Well we can go to mine. My mom's at work so should be peaceful." Alex suggested. Making them all nod.

"Great, text me the address and I will met you guys there afterwards." Amber walked off to her seat while Alex and Alice sat together

Miss Collins continued to talk about the assignment while the Alice and Alex spoke.

"How comes you're avoiding your parents then?" Alex asked writing down her notes looking at Miss Collins so she wouldn't get in to trouble.

"Long story short they're probably gonna get divorced." Alice said without even blinking an eyelid

"Oh shit really, I'm sorry." Alex now felt awkward af.

"Don't worry, to be honest I don't think they were ever in love. My dad's basically away for like 90% of the year and well my mom's great but you can tell she regrets marrying him." Alice explained.

"Oh well I guess that's gotta be rough on you." Alex looked at Alice.

"Meh it's all good, I just want my mom to be happy i guess and that's not with my dad." Alice smiled reassuringly not wanting anyone to feel sorry for her.

"Alex. Alice. Once again talking in my lesson. I will split the pair of you up. So stop." Miss Collins pointed out.

At the end of the lesson Alice went home grab some snacks while Alex stayed back in class getting "Homework" When in fact she was taking to her girlfriend. It made Alice laugh so much when she said she was staying to get homework but she knew for a fact she was probably just wanting to make out with her girlfriend.

"Hey babe." Rose said placing her laptop in her bag.

"Hey, i just wanted to tell you that Alice and Amber will be at mine to study tonight."  Alex smiled kissing her cheek.

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