Chicken Soup

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Rose point of view

Last night Alex and I had the chance to eat dinner together which was absolutely lovely. She's such a sweetie whens she tired and clingy, we catched each other up with our day. I told her about all the idiots I taught today and she said that I was bossy pants, she can be such an annoying little devil sometimes but gosh I love her.

She told me about Alice's problem of course she swore me to secrecy, she decided to threaten me. Her threat being if I told anyone she would slash my throat in my sleep, yes for a short girl she can pretty scary sometimes.

"Hey, Ella how was your half term?" I asked Ella (Miss Tenor).

"It was, eventful to say the least." Ella laughed grabbing coffee.

"Oh thanks, God I don't think I could do this job without guzzling coffee." I joked. "So what did you get up to then?"

"Oh gosh Rose you wouldn't even believe me if I told you." She sighed siting down in our usual seats in the staff room.

"Come on, it's me." I sat with her.

"Well. Oh gosh, okay I'm leaving stuff out for my own conscious. I hooked up with someone I shouldn't have" Ella sighed.

"Well what's now then?" I laughed hysterically until she just sat their quietly staring evily at me. "Don't kill me okay. I'm just saying, we both know that you hooking up with people shouldn't is just what you do. You're literally the reason why Mrs Keys is no longer working her, oh and why her and Mr keys are divorced." I said sarcastically.

"Oh come on she was hot. You would have if you got the chance too." She smirked.

"Nope not the married type, home wrecking isn't my kink. But seriously what's the problem? You always hook up with people you never date. What's so bad now?" I asked, slightly confused.

"Because I sorta like this girl." She whispered.

"Ha you whipped little bitch!" I smirked getting under her skin. She stopped looking down and sat up trying to look more dominating. "Oh come on, what's wrong with liking this girl then?"

"She's younger. By nearly nine years." Ella explained.

"She's over 18 though...  I mean is she over 18?" Shit, i can't let her know that I already know.

"Rose I can't explain okay, I can get in trouble but yes she's an adult. I got to head to lesson." Ella stood up.

"Okay but let's go for a drink this Friday, my girlfriend has dinner plans so I'm perfectly free." I smiled and stood with her to head to class, gosh break isn't long enough.

"Wait girlfriend?" She stopped me.

"Yes. We can talk about it Friday but only if we're both being 100% honest." I made it very clear that I wanted to know the truth that way who knows she might tell me everything and I can actually help.

"Okay. Deal, but if I get arrested it's your fault" She said running off. Arrested? What the heck.

The rest of the day went by swiftly as planned, I taught my last two lessons with the juniors and they weren't as annoying as normal. They have learnt pretty quickly that I'm in charge and they won't be messing about in my class. Now however I have my senior classes with my beautiful girl, only two classes a day with her and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I handed out the assignments after talking for 30 minutes, i went to sit down watching the class start the assignments when I noticed Alex just sitting there so I walked over and crouched down in front of her and Alice.

"Alex." I whispered making her look up from her desk and smile at me until she noticed my stern face, then she pouted slightly. "Can you get started on you work please?" I asked.

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