The Truth Always Comes Out

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Rose's point of view

My heart was beating fast , I could feel it drumming against my chest and the sound filling my ears as I just stood there. My jaw dropped not sure what to say. She knew? Of course she knew, she went to the school. I bet she saw my name as her home room teacher, fuck! I knew I should have gone and got the school work myself, im gonna bee fired. Alex will break up with me because of her mother, i could get arrested. But we did meet before school... Fuck.

"Well, I went to school and collected her school work from a lovely lady there." Lisa held the paper work that showed topics that Alex would need to study while off of school."But strangely enough her home room teacher wasn't there..."

I stood still and smiled slightly trying not to look somewhat suspicious but the bead of sweat on my forehead was difficult to hide.
"Well I will hand this to Alex once she's feeling up to it." I took the papers from her hand and turned around to talk towards the door of Alex's room.

"Wait." Lisa said sternly making my heart speed up once more, I turnt around slowly and smiled casually. "You see, while I was at the school I was unfortunate to miss her home room teacher but I had a word with another teacher. Miss Tenor."

Shit. I thought, miss Tenor is the last person she should have spoken to. She's the only one who could have told her about Alex and I.

"And she and the delight of telling me something. Something important that you should find pretty interesting." Lisa leant up against the wall and laughed slightly.

"W... What's that then?" My words stuttered out and I asked her, trying to remain calm as possible but I was sure that my hands were shaking like crazy.

"I'm sure you know already." Lisa titled her head smirking. "Miss Tenor made it very clear of the mischief that Alex had caused."

"I'm not sure what you're talking about?" I played dumb hoping I didn't get slapped across the face when she confessed our secret.

"Oh come on, don't play dumb. We both know." Lisa laughed "... Alex being a trouble maker in Miss Tenors class." Lisa laughed. Phew.

"Ohh yeah of course, Alex causing trouble doesn't surprise me at all." I laughed turning to walk back in to Alex's room.

"Wait, Miss Collins. One last thing." Lisa said.

"What's wrong?" I asked my heart sinking, once again! God why does she keep freaking me the fuck out.

"The med bill, you paid it?"Lisa asked.

" Yeah, I'm sorry I just... It seemed alot of money and I didn't want to stress anyone out. "I panicked.

Lisa stepped forward, she wrapped her arms around me making me jump slightly not she how to react. She's hugging me... Ew.

"Thank you so much, Rose. I can't thank you enough and Alex is gonna be on utter shock when she finds out." Lisa stepped back "I can't wait to tell her, she's gonna be so in love with you, who knows I might be your mother in law." Lisa joked.

"Wait! I need to be the one to tell her. I'm sorry I didn't talk to you first either."

"No don't worry, but I do have one question. How did you afford it?" Lisa asked concerned. "Are you in the mafia?"

"Noooo, i mean maybe.. No I'm kidding. Long story short family trust funds do come in handy at times." I confessed, i would have to tell Alex the whole story later on when she's feeling better.

"It's okay sweetie, family is a difficult subject for the majority of us, clearly as I know I've been a shit parent." Lisa half heartedly joked.

"Come on Alex shall think you've killed me out here"I joked, just relieved that the conversation was over and my head was still intact. Gosh I didn't expect it to take this turn but now I have come to the realisation that Alex and I should definitely have a word with her mother incase the inevitable does occur. Better sooner than later I think.

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