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Alex Pov

I spent the last ten minutes trying to hunt for my maths class room, i can't find it anywhere and I'm already very, very late. The last thing I need is Rose finding out from my teacher, I'd be in deep shit. I decided it was best if I just asked Rose for help. Looking down at my phone I text Rose.

Alex- *Miss, I need help, I'm lost and very late to maths*

Sexy teach -*Really Alex. Whats your teachers name?*

Alex-* Miss Tenor... Sounds like a bitch *

Sexy teach-*She is, the main corridor then sixth door on left. Hurry and get to class! *

Alex-*Yesss Miss *

Sexy teach-* 🙄*

I carried on walking to the main corridor, when I turned the corner I suddenly bumped in to a much taller girl, wearing a hoodie and blue jeans.

"Oi, careful. Look where your fucking going!" 

I looked up at the much taller girl, damn she's even taller than Rose. No time to admire because she's staring directly at me. I couldn't believe her being so read to me, it was an accident bumping in to her but she's acting like I purposely smacked her. I mean she's blocking up the entire fucking corridor what does she expect me to do,  abracadabra my way around her stupid ass.

"How about you move out the fucking way so I can head to class! "  I stated sternly as I walked fast looking for the door that Rose mentioned.  Knocking politely. Miss Tenor answering the door and gesturing me to come in.

"It's nice of you to join, Alexis I'm assuming?"  God, her face looked liked she sucked a lemon, for a young teacher you'd think she wouldn't be such a bitch. Maybe she just needs to get laid and fast.

"I'm sorry I'm late... Bu-" She cut me of quickly.

"Don't worry, Miss Collins emailed and explained that you would be late. It's nice to know that you already had a Detention from her, so I will be keeping an eye on you!" Great, first I'm happy that Rose bailed me out not I'm pissed she's got this bitch baby siting me all lesson. Argh better stay quiet, my ass is sore enough.

" Now sit there" She pointed at the last two empty seats at the back. "And Alice it's nice of you to join us, sit at the back with Alex"
I turned around to see the girl I just bumped into, great this bitch.


Siting down in class was a painful reminder of last nights, i winced at the shooting pain on my left ass cheek. I was mad but also surprised at how shockingly good her arm was. She must love my left ass cheek more. The stinging was a constant reminder of how well I took my punishment and made blush slight at the thought of my teacher spanking me again.

I pulled out my phone to text my Rose .

Alex-* Why does my left ass cheek feel like it's on fire during my maths class?! *

Sexy teach - *I think the question is why are you on you're phone during lesson? *

Shit, I forgot about that part. Ermmm, come on think of some bullshit.

Alex-*We have an assignment and we're allowed phones for research. But seriously your aim is unbelievably accurate! *

Sexy teach - *Don't change the subject, now off the phone. *

I sigh leaning back and placing my phone in my pocket.

Alic turned to me. "You're the girl who bumped into me in the hall earlier."
No shit sherlock, god.

"You're the one who likes to lean against the locker and act tough"  I smirked..

"let's start this again new girl, im Alice" She put her hand out, which I reluctantly shock.

"I'm Alex."

"Well Alex, its nice to meet you... Where you from then? This town rarely gets newbies." Alice asked making polite conversation while miss Toner carried on talking about triangles and shit.

" well I was born in Miami but moved a lot since then, somehow ended up here I guess."   I explained.

" Ah nice Miami , always wanted to visit. You enjoying it here so far?" I smiled. Thinking about how much I have enjoyed it.

"Yep, absolutely. The new neighbour is a slight pain my ass though" I laughed

"Well if they give you hassle just tell them to fuck off, most people round here tend to be complete wimps when you stand up to them." She explained.

"Note taken" I smirked, stand up to Rose. Yeah, so which one of you is gonna plan my funeral?


For the rest of the lesson I spent it laughing and getting to know Alice, turns out she's actually pretty cool. One downside Miss Tenor is definitely not that cool. She gave us so many evil glances I would be surprised if she hadn't snitched on me to Rose.

Alice walked me to my next class because I almost got lost, again.

"Ouch, history. Have fun Alex. Oh and if you want I will meet you outside here, we can head to lunch together seeing as you're new?" Alice offered me a place at her table with her friends and I was over the fucking moon. Making friends and dating a hot teacher what more could I want.

" Sure I'd love to, meet ya here? "

" Oh quick warning " Alice turned around" My friends are nutters but im sure you'll get along with them. " She smirked walking away.

Shit what have I got myself into.

A/N: Not much is happening in this chapter im just trying to add more characters and show more of Alex's school life. Her new friends will be apart of the story and will help this book to not just be about Alex and Rose. Next chapter coming as soon as possible, i wanted this to be longer but unfortunately its not I got preoccupied. 😔

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