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A/N: I changed Rose's sisters age to 36 making lily 36. Meaning it more sense that Lily has a 18 year old daughter

Rose pov

I can't believe it, i haven't seen lily since the whole argument with her, my sister and me. Seeing her there filled me with rage because she didn't even smile or acknowledge me properly.

"What was that?" Alex asked. "Don't give me that look, what else haven't you told me?" Alex walked in to the kitchen.

"Stop overreacting, that's Alice's mom. We grew up together that's all, she was my sisters best friend. That's all." I explained

"When somebody says that's all its never all, yes you didn't lie but it's not like you told the truth. I want to know." Alex looked fed up making me sigh loudly.

"Sit, lose the attitude. And I will tell you everything." I pointed to the couch.

"Stop telling me what to do. Just tell me!" Alex shouted making me sigh because now she was mad.

"My sister is 36 and Alice's mom is older than me of course, lily. We grew together they'd hangout and I'd tag along when they were in college and I was in awe to lily, i had always liked her. To be honest I was in love with her, deeply. My sister never found out that I liked her of course and the day I was going to make my move was the day she told everyone she got knocked up and had to get married to Alice's dad. We didn't see each other for over ten years until at my sister 35th birthday, we spoke about the past and her failed marriage and ended up getting drunk so I ended up confessing that I had feelings for her in the past but never said anything because she was straight. That was when she started crying saying that she only got married because of that one mistake. We ended up having sex and a small fling while she was still married until my sister caught us, it caused a huge argument and we haven't spoken since . " I tired explaining.

" You fucked. Wait no you were in love with Alice's mother for half you life! Do you still love her? " Alex asked.

" What! No don't be fucking ridiculous! " I stood up, now angry

" Well you're getting defensive so I'm guessing you're lying again." Alex laughed.

" I didn't lie about Alice knowing, I just didn't tell you. Like what you did to me. Remember..." I pointed out.

" Seriously, we said to be honest. Yet you lied, after we got past me lying about the school thing. We agreed to be honest don't you dare throw it back in my face." Alex huffed.

" Alex I didn't tell you because it wasn't important, i trust Alice and I trusted her not to tell you but clearly she was wrong about that part. " I confessed pissed that Alice even told her.

" You lied to me. To me. And you're pissed of that Alice said something without your permission. I don't think you understand what you did wrong. You lied after telling me to be honest, it's hypocritical. What were you and Alice laughing at me or something. " Alex walked off to the kitchen getting a drink.

" No its not like that at all, you're being so fucking dramatic. Just let it go. " I was getting so fed up. She is so dramatic I didn't lie I just didn't tell her something thats all.

" let it go. What like you've clearly let lily go." Alex joked.

"Alex seriously stop. Me and lily are in the past and I'm very happy with you. My girlfriend." I smiled walking over to her.  Wrapping my arms around her and kissing her cheek.

"You can't kiss me and think I'm gonna forgive you. I'm pissed and worst of I'm not pissed because technically you were right about Amber too." Alex sighed leaning back.

"Alex I'm sorry okay, I should have told you and I promise me and lily aren't a thing and I don't love her. Alice only knew because I picked you up when you were drunk and I have been getting her to keep an eye on you ." I got everything out in the open.

" Any more lies? " Alex asked.

" No sweetie, that everything. Oh wait me and Rachel and Katy did kiss each one once but it felt weird so it stopped and my family is another story I will tell you another day babe. " I explained.

"You nearly fucked them too, who haven't you fucked." Alex half laughed.

"Ohh look who's jealous now." I teased.

"You had every right or be jealous though. Amber made a move I don't want to talk about it but I want her to not go near me."

"Babe. What happened? Come on tell me we're telling the truth remember." I hugged her glad she was no longer mad at me.

"Roro I'm sorry I overreacted. I just felt like you betrayed me because Alice knew without me knowing, like you were talking about us without me. I'm glad that I have Alice to look out for me because she stopped Amber from making a move" Alex sighed. I don't know what Amber did but I know that I'm pissed and not letting her go anywhere near her.

"Babe it's okay we still have alot of growing to do, no more holding things back for instance before I knew you were a little i didn't actually really like little's. I felt awkward and uncomfortable but seeing you as a little just felt right, every part of me wanted to look after you. I love that your a little now and I can't believe I ever thought about not wanting a little. " Alex and I ended up on the sofa hugging for a while since we both felt sad about arguing.

" You don't like little's!" Alex gasped looking up at me with her puppy eyes.

" I do I just felt nervous about the whole thing. " I explained." But I love that your a little every part even the tantrums." I poked her stomach making her giggle.

"Let's have dinner babe and a nap." I smiled. Holding her hand taking her to mine.


Alex had calmed down now and was having a nap, the pair of us ate dinner and spoke more about the our first proper argument and agreed that I basically sucked. Gosh I was stupid not to tell her i made her so worried about someone finding out but someone already did.

Watching her lay beside a binky in her mouth made it impossible not to love her cute little side. How did I ever not want a little? She's so fucking perfect.

Ring ring.

"Shit" I quickly ran out the room to answer the phone before Alex woke up. I didn't recognise the number.

"Hey...?" I asked whisperering

"Rose." The voice making my heart stop.

"Lily why are you ringing me!?" I whispered a little louder.

"We need to talk Rose. Please" Lily pleaded.

"Why on earth would I want to do that. Seeing you today was enough for at least another decade." I said aggressively.

"Rose please we need to talk, im getting a divorce. I will text you where and when please meet me there." she hung up.

No I didn't want to meet her but I did want to know what she had to say for herself. I have moved on, haven't I? Yes, yes I have. Alex is my girl and I don't want Lily. I don't want Lily, I'm way over her I'm a dom now not a sub it wouldn't even work. Alex is my girl. Alex.

"Mommy, who day on phone?" Alex walked out of the bed room Teddy bear in hand and rubbing her eye.

"Baby. Let's sit down mommy needs to talk to you and you need to be a big girl for it though." I sighed ready to talk to her about lily, once again.

A/N : This chapter isn't that good im sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrry I suck at arguments in real life so writing one is so difficult. The next chapter won't be updated tomorrow I want to take a longer time so it will be better. Do you think that Rose should meet lily or not?

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