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3rd person Point of view

Rose carried Alex down the stair case with ease and plonked her on to couch, turning the TV on for Alex while she grabbed her cruches and the medical supplies she needed for Alex.

"Right here's the kit hold on to that while I get you a snack, a drink and the pills you need." Rose hurried to the kitchen.

"Babe, slow down please. You don't need to fuse so much, I'm gonna be fine if you leave me twooo minutes. Nothing bad will happen." Alex empathised on the two, Rose was fully aware of how protective she's been since she got Alex home if it was up to her she would put Alex in a big play pen filled with toys until she healed up and was safe for the world again. But of course she knew she couldn't do that, she didn't want her girlfriend being in any more pain.

"I'm sorry but you're super clumsy and you know that, you fall over just putting your pajama shorts on and I'm trying not risk any more injuries. Eat this then take this." Rose pointed at the three pills on the side.

"Ew pills. Nooo why three of them still too many." Alex huffed.

"Sweetie we went over this, paracetamol (pain killer) will help with the pain, ibuprofen helps with the inflammation and antibiotics that make your tummy feel funny helps with avoiding any infections. Since you had surgery and healing wounds we don't need infections. So gotta take them. "Rose kissed Alex's cheek to try and make her smile, which worked successfully.

" Fineeee. "Alex huffed and pick up one tablet.

"Nope snack first, you need food in you or you will feel sick baby, we spoke about this."Rose sighed ."See. This is why I won't go to work until you're better."

Rose watched as Alex ate her snack offering a bit to Rose which made her laugh at her politeness.

"Thank you baby." Rose took a little nibble from the snack just to keep Alex happily smiling. Alex finished the snack and took all her tablets with not too much of a fuss but she was not happy with the after taste as they slid down her throat.

"Don't be so dramatic. Sit up for me, I gotta clean it remember." Rose lifted Alex's chin so her head was up and was staring into Alex's eyes. "Such pretty eyes." Rose mumbled.

"What?" Alex asked.

"Pardon." Rose corrected taking the plaster of Alex's head quickly without tugging too much.

"I said what?" Alex replied.

"What, no Alex I heard you. When you say what you're meant to say pardon. It's polite" Rose laughed at Alex's response grabbing the antiseptic spray and spraying it on a tissue before wiping her cut gently.

"Tsss. Ouchhhh." Alex tried moving away. "No ouch. Stop."

"Alex you do this everyday, we have to clean it. I'm sorry it hurts but it's healing and soon you won't need a plaster at all." Rose gave Alex a chaste kiss making Alex smile a bit more.

"Ohhh my phones ringing." Alex grabbed the phone. "Alice! Hey. Yeah of course you can oh wait. Let me ask Rose. Shut up! It's her house of course I'm gonna ask her first." Alex covered the phone with her hand. "Can Alice come round after school?" Rose nodded and carried on cleaning the cut gently.

"See you then, oh yeah I'm okay. You know you don't have to ring everrrrrrrrrrday but I really appreciate it." Alice had been ringing Alex every chance she got because of the guilt she held for that night. Alex said her goodbye and hung up the phone excited to see Alice in person again.

" Now there's that smile I love to see so much. "Rose laughed bopping Alex's nose.

" Stooop" Alex pushed Rose away.

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