Play date

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3rd person POV

Lisa and Gary both left for woke early that Saturday morning, while Alex and Rose was still lying peacefully in Alex's bedroom. The pair was definitely excited for the day ahead, Alex got to hangout with her new friends including Katy who she got along with really well and Rose got the chance to discuss Alex's little side with Rachel. Rose couldn't wait to see Alex's little side once again, but definitely didn't want to force it to her.

Rose rolled over to see Alex lying next to her still fast asleep, wrapping her arms around her to pull her in closer to her body. Placing small kisses on her neck, shoulder and cheek.

"Good morning beautiful." Rose whispered in her raspy voice which Alex loved very much.

"Hmm too early" Alex didn't sleep all that well yesterday her mother's last words stuck in her brain. Young and in *Love * the idea of telling Rose that she loves her terrified her, she had never been in love and she didn't want to break her heart. She cared about her way too much. All night she kept thinking about Rose being and her being in love.

Alex then rolled over and snuggled into Rose, Rose couldn't believe how lucky she was to wake up to Alex's cute cuddles and sleepy smiles.

"We got to meet Katy and Rachel at the cafe soon"

"Oh yeah!" Alex sat up quickly


"Right sweetie, remember to be nice to Katy and listen to me when we're out okay?"

"Yes Roro" Alex whispered. Alex was still sleepy but was looking forward to seeing her friends. Rose noticed that she had called her Roro but assumed that when she feels more awake she will go back to Rose.

The pair parked up outside of the cafe and Alex jumped out of the car when she saw her friends waiting outside.

'Katy! " Alex shouted.

"Alex! " Katy shouted back equally as excited.

Rose and Rachel both smiled at each other knowing that their girlfriends were not bestfriends.

"Come on girls let's get some food in your little bellies" Rose placed her hand behind Alex's back, while Rachel opened the door for them.

"Sandwich?" Rachel asked Katy.

"Yes please" Katy lifted her head up and smiled then when back to whisperering in Alex's ear.

"What would you like sweetie?" Rose asked Alex. Who was distracted giggling with Katy.  "Babe?"

"This" She pointed at the menu.

"Pasta? You want pasta at 11am? Pick something else little one we can have pasta later on." Rose pointed at the brunch items.

Alex comprised and pointed at the picture of pancakes. "Ermmm pancakes!"

"Okay sweetheart but no shouting please" Rose put the menu down. "Rachel and I are going to order, you two stay here."

"Okay Roro. Look crayons." Alex and Katy began drawing while their girlfriends stood in line.

"Alex and Katy get along well." Rachel pointed out. "I'm glad we can hangout together."

"Yeah im really glad, Katy brings out this playful side of Alex's. Part of me does think she's a little, i told you about her calling me Roro, what do you think i should do?" Rose explained to Rachel already over the phone when she invited her out and they have been texting everyday about it since." I'm just worried that I'm gonna push her to be a little when she might not be. "

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