Changing Rooms

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Alex's pov

"Urgh!" I moaned.

"Babe that was one bag." Rose laughed at my exaggeration.

"But I'm tired and I don't wanna go shopping. Can we just go back to the cabin and live there forever." I looked up with pleading eyes.

"Maybe one day sweetie, but for now put the bags in the bedroom." Rose slapped my ass as I walked off making me turn and give her a death stare and poke my tongue out. Not that I mind it, she could slap my ass all day and I would say thank you.

Don't get me wrong, I was glad to be home and that butttttt. I'm gonna miss being away with my sexy teach, going back to school was last on my list of priorities. Oh that reminds me to text Alice and the others. So after last night I was definitely warn out we both slept in longer than we wanted to making us pack in a rush, we said our goodbyes to Katy and Rachel. I was gonna miss them so much, I had gotten so much closer with the pair of them dispite their teasing this morning.

Katy kept teasing me by calling me a bottom, which is stupid as fuck. She's a bottom too! She kept saying that I was sooooo loud and that Rose must enjoy having a loud girl in bed. Rose didn't defend me or save me from the embarrassing events that unfolded in front Rachel instead she replied with a very calm.*Enjoy, I fucking love it. * I just groaned loudly and ran off to the car of course.

"Babe, ready?!" I shouted to Rose.

"Yeah, car keys? Car keys? Car keys?" Rose was patting her ass looking for her keys. Making me sneak up behind her and squeeze her ass. "Ohh hello" Rose said playfully, turning around to give me a quick kiss. She took my hand and lead us outside to the car and began driving off.

"To the mall outside of town." I said to her.

"Oh perfect that's were the shop I want to take you is." Rose smirked evilly.

"Hmm okay? Well this one we have less of a chance bumping into your dumb students." I pointed out.

"Babe. I hate to break it to you, but you are one of my dumb students." Rose joked.

"Wow, ouch. That was just mean." I faked being mad.

"Oh baby I'm very sorry, please forgive me." Rose mimicked my fake toke.

"Only if you kiss me now and later" She leant over and kissed me.

"Wait why later?" She asked puzzled

"Because I don't want the other kiss on my mouth." I teased back.


Rose and I met up with my mom at the mall, luckily she was alone and not with Gary. I liked him more than I thought but I still didn't want to willingly hang out with him.  All three of us walked side by side around the mall looking for shops to visit.

"How was the cabin then Alexis?"My mom asked.

" Ah it was great, probably the best week I've had in along time. Oh and Katy and Rachel came. "I smiled politely.

" Yeah it was eventful to say the least. "Rose smirked.

" Who are they?"My mom asked.

" They're my best friends, they're also in a relationship. "Rose explained while my mom nodded along. We spent the text hour in and out of shops and talking about one anothers week, my mom and Gary had been decorating the kitchen and dinning room.

"You will have to decorate your room sweetie. I'm loving this place and I want us to be here for as long as possible." My mom smiled.

"If you say so." I said with alot more attitude than I meant to. I'm afraid I don't alway believe the shit my mom says. But my hope's are still there. Rose tangled her hand in mine and gave a nice gentle reassuring squeeze.

"Behave." She whispered in my ear.

"Awee look at you too." My mom gestured to our hands. "Ohhh! Let's go in here." My mom pointed at the women's clothes store.

"Yeah I need some new tops" Rose said pulling me in the store.

"Urgh" I groaned I hate shopping for clothes sometimes.

"Well I guess you'll have to help me Ms Quinn." Rose and my mom laughed at my groan.

"Please, Lisa is all good." My mom smiled, it was a genuine sweet sincere smile to Rose and it made me feel all fuzzy. Knowing that my mom actually liked Rose made me feel sorta complete, although I didn't need my mom's approval it was nice to have it.

"Urghhhh" I groaned following the pair around the clothing racks.

"Alex stop groaning, we'll be done soon." Rose said sternly.

"Ohh I like this." Mom pointed at a blouse.

"It's lovely." Rose gestured at the material. "Oh Alex this would look good in you." Rose handed me a pair of black skinny jeans. I shrugged and held it for her.

"I'm gonna keep looking meet me at the till when you're done girls." Mom walked off towards the other side of the shop.

"Come on. Let's try these on and we'll be free okay." Rose said sternly. I just shrugged my shoulders. "Stop with shrugging and groaning now."

"I'm sorry." I sighed walking behind her into the changing room, taking a seat on  the bench and watched her intensely as she undressed and dressed again.

"Oi pervert, eyes are up here." Rose teased waving her hands in front of my face my eyes darting away from her hips to her cheeky but sexy smile. Her hand now against her hip in a very dominating matter making me tingle slightly.

"Yeah but I prefer what's down there." I teased back.

"Hm I know that baby" Rose began undressing once again, left on just her matching panties. Nice black and lacey my favourite. She turnt around slowly to grab her next outfit to try on, leaving me with a perfect view of her ass. "Alex undress."  She instructed me.

I took of my jeans ready for her hand me the new pair of jeans but instead was left stunned when her hand was forcefully pushed under my underwear and began teasing my clit almost immediately. Making me gasp. "Ah Rose, not here. We're in public." I moaned.

"Exactly its perfect." Rose whispered seductively nibbling at my ear before pinching my clit making me jolt. "Hmm" She hummed against my neck before sucking and probably leaving a bright red mark.

"Fuuu-ck" I whispered into her ear as she began nibbling my neck and moving her hand faster.

"Hey you girls ready yet?" My mom knocked on the changing room door making me jump forward leading Rose to growl and push me back.

"Oh shit" I whispered.

"Yeah two seconds just waiting for Alex to try on the jeans." Rose shouted out to mom as she pushed her finger inside of me. "But she needs to hurry up." Rose said looking directly into my eyes.

"Two mins mo- m. Be out soon." I shouted before melting into Rose touch. I heard her footsteps walk away. As Rose touches were tipping me over the edge I held on to her shoulder and steady myself.

"Please. Oohhh shit p-please." I moaned.

"Come on slut. Cum for me in public" At that moment I was cuming and Rose removed her fingers sucking them seductively.

"All done?" My mom asked.

"What? Oh yeah i will get the jeans." I smiled slightly before she gave me a weird look. I don't know what that was about.

"Okay girls I'm off now. You two have fun." My mom gave me a kiss goodbye.

"See ya. Now Alex. Time to go shopping for stuff we will both enjoy." Rose smirked.

A/N: Ohhhh and she finally uploads. Hi guys I hope you enjoyed the next one should be a fun one for you all, i will try to write and update tomorrow.

Hope you all enjoyed and don't forget to like /comment I love all your comments!

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