Goodbye Mom... Again

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Alex POV

My mom was gorgeous, just like me she had black hair and dark eyes but unlike me she had height. She has always been supportive of me and wanted the best but that never stopped her from making me like shit.

"But do you really have to go?" We just got here and there's only two weeks until schools starts can't you stay for just a bit longer, before you disappear... again. "
I was so disappointed I know I'm 18 but still being alone for long periods of time suck! Especially In a new town I know absolutely nothing, and know absolutely no one! Argh!

Mom was running around the house gathering the last of her things and stuffing them into her carry out, before she stopped looked around sighed and stood in front of me.
"Sweetie come on don't be like that you know I hate leaving, but this is a great job and a great opportunity. I'm gonna miss you loads I will only be gone for about three weeks and I will try to be back sooner."

"I know" Sighing knowing no matter what I say she wouldn't just get a normal job and stay, with me.

"You will fine at the new school and meet loads of people, look" she said "Here are the keys to the car, while I'm away you can have it, too take you about this place."

"Yessss! At least that one thing" I say as the tears began to roll down my face, I really hated being left again.

"My taxis here sweetie come on walk be out" She gave me a kiss on my forehead making me smile it reminded me that she did love me she just didn't want to be around me all the time, she always enjoyed her space even when I was kid. Leaving on holidays all the time with her boyfriends while I stayed at home, it made me feel like shit but I understood parents need breaks too I guess...

Once she finally got in the taxi after hugging be good bye she pointed behide telling me "look I think the neighbour has a interest in your ass" She laughed, she always did act like such a child.

"What!" I went to turn around to see the fucking creepy pervert, probably an old man.

"Don't turn, damn act cool girl! Go say hello to the new neighbours anyway, who knows maybe you will make a few friends with other grumpy teens" She laughed hysterically and winked at me all before speeding of to the airport. Leaving me standing alone.

"If anyone in this family acts like a child it's you mom!" I yelled as hoping she could still here me.
It was always me who had to look after her even when I was kid, when another boyfriend broke her heart... When was it my time to be looked after... Never I guess.
I sighed.

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